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Lesson 25 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
fire," or of TORTURE for all eternity! not in vain, He formed it TO BE INHABITED”
Rather, the Bible shows DESTRUC- (Isaiah 45:18)! We can rely on their words, not
TION for all eternity of all unsaved human upon the words of the FAULTY English
beings who shall be cast into this lake of fire. All translations, and we can rest assured that the
contrary ideas have been handed down to us entire earth will NEVER be burned up! Only the
from paganism. parts of the earth polluted by man will be
6. What is this “lake of fire” AC- purified by the Lake of Fire.
TUALLY to be -- our earth’s surface burning 8. Is the lake of fire, into which the Beast
up? Some people point to II Peter 3:10 in order and False Prophet are cast alive at the Messiah’s
to prove that the entire surface of the earth will second coming, a TYPE of this great fire?
be burned up -- but this scripture does NOT say Revelation 19:20.
that! COMMENT: The small PROTOTYPE
COMMENT: The latter part of this “lake of fire” of Revelation 19:20, which will
verse says, “both the earth and the works in it burn again in the Valley of Hinnom at the
will be burned up.” However, this is a glaring Messiah’s appearance, foreshadows THE final
MISTRANSLATION of the Greek in the lake of fire which will consume part of the
Authorized or King James Version of this text. earth’s surface MUCH LATER, making it a
The word “earth” -- from the Greek term molten mass!
GE -- means LAND and the words “burned up” 9. What is meant in Revelation 20:14 by
are mistranslated from the Greek term the words, “death and hell were cast into the lake
KATAKAIO which literally means “will-be- of fire"?
being-found” or “uncovered” -- NOT burned up COMMENT: The original Greek word,
at all! Rotherham and other versions of the New which is here translated “hell” is “hades,” which
Testament render it “discovered” rather than means the GRAVE. Death and the grave will
burned up. CEASE COMPLETELY when the lake of fire
It is clear that Peter is talking of the day engulfs part of the earth to DESTROY the
when YEHOVAH God will place all the waters incorrigible wicked, and CLEANSE it of all that
of the sea back in orbit around the earth (the pertained to mortal mankind. This is because
earth once had “rings” like the planet Saturn) Satan will be destroyed and no longer able to
and some 140,000,000 square miles of LAND influence mankind, and YEHOVAH’s spirit will
(not earth) will be uncovered. be poured out in great measure upon the
7. Are all the things man has created on inhabitants of the earth. As a result there will be
this earth to be BURNED UP along with those no more sin and hence no more death penalty.
who will not have been born as spirit beings into 10. What will be SATAN’S PART in this
the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God? coming “hell fire”? Revelation 20:10.
COMMENT: There is a vast difference COMMENT: Satan will be cast into the
between burning up the entire earth and SAME conflagration that will destroy the
uncovering 140,000,000 square miles of new wicked mortal people. Since angels were created
LAND, and it is obvious that this was the theme as spirit beings, they cannot die of themselves
of Peter’s words and that he had no thought of a (Luke 20:34-36). But this does not necessarily
burned up earth! imply they could not be put out of existence, or
Peter believed what the prophets said in destroyed, by a superior power -- YEHOVAH
the Old Testament, and he accepted their words God. If left alone, they would never die -- their
that “the earth abideth FOR EVER” (Ecclesiates spirit bodies would never “wear out.” However,
1:4), and that “God Himself formed the earth that does NOT mean, or say, that they could not
and made it; He hath established it, He created it be executed or destroyed if YEHOVAH God
What is “Hell”?