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Lesson 25 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7

When you see the word “hell” in your
Bible, look it up in an EXHAUSTIVE CON-
CORDANCE, such as Strong’s or Young’s, if
you want to know its true meaning.

Where To After Death?

When a sinner dies, what happens to
him? When he is interred in his grave, does he lie
quietly and silently there, knowing NOTHING
and awaiting the RESURRECTION? Or, at
death, does his “soul” descend immediately into
an inferno of eternal “hell fire” torture for his
What is the truth? What does YEHO-
VAH GOD reveal about the state of man after
1. Do men and beasts all go to ONE place
-- the SAME place -- when they die?
Ecclesiastes 3:19-20.You have never heard of
beasts going to “hell” to be TORTURED, have

ANOTHER VIEW OF “HELL”: This photo was you?
taken near the bottom of the Valley of Hinnom, 2. Does this same event -- returning to
outside of Jerusalem, Palestine. The fires ONE PLACE -- happen to both the righteous and
burning in this valley in New Testament times the wicked? Ecclesiastes 9:2. Then one doesn’t
represented the final punishment which will burn go to heaven at death, and the other to hell, do
the wicked to ashes. Fire will again be rekindled they?
in this valley when the Messiah returns. 3. Where then do all go after death --
back to the DUST from which they were made?
COMMENT: To read the ENGLISH Genesis 3:19. Does Ecclesiastes 3:20 verify
translation of these two scriptures -- Luke 12:5 this?
and Acts 2:31 -- it would SEEM that the word 4. Does Psalm 146:4 show that no one is
“hell” has the same meaning in both. BUT the able to think after he perishes? Are the dead
original GREEK word which is translated by the unable to remember YEHOVAH God? Psalm
English word “hell” in Acts 2:31 is HADES. 6:5. Then ALL mental and physical processes of
“Hades” means “GRAVE”! We can plainly see an individual come to a HALT at death, don’t
that the English word “hell” can have they? How much do the dead know?
DIFFERENT meanings! So when we come to Ecclesiastes 9:5. Then isn’t it true that a dead
the word “hell” in our New Testament, we must person has no more consciousness than a dead
carefully distinguish whether it is speaking of animal has?
punishment by fire, or of the grave where the 5. What PLACE does YEHOVAH God
dead lie quietly buried. THESE TWO VASTLY say man goes when he dies? Ecclesiastes 9:10.
DIFFERENT MEANINGS FOR THE WORD Did Job realize he would go to the GRAVE after
“HELL” WE MUST CONSTANTLY KEEP IN death? Job 17:13. Were worms of the EARTH
MIND when we see the word “hell” in the New to be his companions? Verse 14.

What is “Hell”?
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