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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 25

6. Must ALL people die at least once? Peter 2:9.
Hebrews 9:27. Does I Corinthians 15:22 2. Is it to be a time when the unjust are
verify this? Wasn’t the Messiah flesh and blood judged for PUNISHMENT? Same verse.
just like we are? Hebrews 2:14. Didn’t he have 3. When is this judgment to be?
human parents just like we do? John 6:42; John Hebrews 9:27.
1:45; Luke 3:23 And didn’t he also have to go to COMMENT: It is plain that a person
the GRAVE as all mortal men do? Acts 2:31. will receive final judgment from YEHOVAH
COMMENT: The original Greek word God at some time AFTER he dies.
which has been translated “hell” in this verse is 4. Is YEHOVAH God able to bring
“hades” which, as you now know, means the people up alive from the GRAVE? I Samuel
“GRAVE.” The Messiah did NOT go down into 2:6. Does Revelation 20:13 prove there is to be
a fiery hell, but merely into a GRAVE. a great FUTURE “resurrection to judgment”?
YEHOVAH God does not sentence anyone to a COMMENT: Notice that those who are
fiery hell immediately after he dies, but merely in their watery graves (the “sea”) are to be
to the GRAVE. resurrected; and those who are killed by other
7. Was Jacob, in speaking of his son means and left unburied (“death”) are to be
whom he thought to be dead, certain he was resurrected; and those who are in earthy graves
already in a GRAVE? Genesis 37:35. (“hell” -- the Greek word here is “hades” which
COMMENT: How overpowering the means the “GRAVE”) are also to be resurrected
evidence is that the unrepentant sinner, or at this time. SO ALL the dead on land or in the
anyone else, does not go to a place of torment at sea, wherever they may be, are to be
death! They go to the GRAVE, where they know RESURRECTED TO “JUDGMENT” IN THE
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! FUTURE. No one is, or ever has been, down in a
fiery “hell” dancing around on hot coals,
Resurrected to Judgment shrieking in terror and torment!

You have heard much preaching about “The Wages of Sin Is DEATH”
people going directly to the fiery tortures of
“hell” when they die. But have you ever heard of What is the PENALTY -- the
a JUDGMENT -- a FORMAL SENTENCING -- “WAGES,” or reward -- of sin? Is it ETERNAL
of these people by YEHOVAH God, BEFORE CONSCIOUSNESS in torment, or is it
they go to their punishment? ETERNAL OBLIVION? Let’s study further and
What did Yeshua mean when he said in see.
John 5:28-29: “The hour is coming, when all 1. What does Paul warn will be the
who are in the tombs will hear His voice and judgment of those who, knowing YEHOVAH
come forth...those who have done evil, to the God’s commands, WILFULLY SIN against
resurrection of JUDGMENT"? (R.S.V.) them? Hebrews 10:26-27. Notice that this
The Messiah said the judgment of the judgment comes on people because they SIN
evil dead who are now in their graves, is yet WILFULLY.
ahead. Then how could they now be receiving 2. And what is the “wages of sin”?
punishment when they have not, as yet, even Romans 6:23.
received JUDGMENT for their sins? The two COMMENT: The “wages of sin is
ideas obviously contradict each other! DEATH”! -- ETERNAL DEATH for every part
When and where DO the dead go from of you! “Death” is the OPPOSITE of “life”!
their graves? Here’s what YOUR Bible reveals. 3. Does Yeshua compare the false
1. Is there to be a day of judgment? II ministers to trees that don’t bring forth “good

What is “Hell”?
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