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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 28

And if you complain of this transaction, they word having too many meanings to accurately
appeal to the words of the Apostle Paul, who choose from.
speaks of being ‘Baptized for the dead’" (Hoary. Therefore, the context of the entire
xl in I Corinthians by Chrysostom). chapter must determine the actual meaning of
Now let’s learn the truth about I the word as Paul intended!
Corinthians 15:29. As one proof of the resurrection, Paul
1. Can the dead possibly be aware of cites in verse 29 the example of those who were
someone being baptized on their behalf? baptized, symbolizing their HOPE in the
Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10. RESURRECTION. He is actually asking the
COMMENT: Those who are baptized question, “why be baptized IF the dead rise not?"
FOR the dead actually believe they’re being Therefore, since Paul is speaking of the HOPE of
baptized for (on the behalf of) the flitting the resurrection in the context of chapter 15,
“immortal souls” of their dead unconverted verse 29 should properly read: “Else what shall
friends or relatives! Such baptism is supposed to they do which are baptized for (THE HOPE OF)
automatically SAVE those “souls” and send the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they
them straight to Heaven! then baptized for (THE HOPE OF) the dead?"
How foolish this doctrine of men really What is the hope of the dead? The
is! We have already proved by scripture that the resurrection! In verse 29 Paul is writing about
doctrines of the “immortal soul” and that of men baptism, which pictures, among other things, the
going to heaven are of Satanically inspired, HOPE of the RESURRECTION! Arising out of
pagan origin. With this knowledge alone, the the watery “grave” of baptism is a symbol of the
MAN-MADE doctrine of vicarious baptism hope of the DEAD -- the hope of a FUTURE
crumbles! RESURRECTION which they had when they
Baptism obviously is for the LIVING, were alive.
NOT the DEAD! Only the LIVING can RE- To surrender one’s life to the Messiah
PENT, and repentance is a PRIOR CON- now, to crucify the self now, to be baptized -- all
DITION to baptism. The dead are dead -- they this is foolish unless there is hope thereby of a
“know not anything”! resurrection!
2. Would Christians have any HOPE of a This verse has absolutely nothing to do
future resurrection if the Messiah had not been with the false doctrine of baptism in place of or
resurrected? I Corinthians 15:16-19, 32. But “for” the unbaptized dead! The holy spirit-
don’t verses 3-8, 20 prove the Messiah was inspired New Testament Ecclesia did NOT
resurrected and that we therefore can have practice this totally unscriptural custom! And the
HOPE of being RESURRECTED too? apostle Paul DID NOT teach it!
COMMENT: The subject of the entire
15th chapter of I Corinthians is the Who Has AUTHORITY to Baptize?
TION. Finally, who is AUTHORIZED to
3. Exactly what does Paul say about administer baptism? Must it be done by an
“baptism for the dead”? I Corinthians 15:29. ordained minister?
COMMENT: This verse is not correctly 1. Are those who are sent forth by the
translated from the original inspired Greek. Paul Messiah -- by his Ecclesia -- the ones he
is NOT talking about being baptized “in the commands and gives authority to do baptizing?
place of” the dead, or “in behalf of” the dead, or Matthew 28:18-19. Did the Messiah authorize
“for” the dead. The inspired Greek word his disciples to baptize for him? John 4:1-2.
translated “for” is “huper”. “Huper” is a vague COMMENT: Yeshua commissioned

Avoid a Counterfeit Baptism!
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