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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 28
King James Version. You’ll notice that this word order that they could make known to these
appears six times in I Corinthians 14 and that it people the Gospel -- the good news of the
always is in ITALICS when used in connection Messiah’s sacrifice for their sins, his
with “tongues.” Whenever the translators resurrection and future appearance as
inserted additional words which THEY YEHOVAH’s High Priest and king on this
THOUGHT would make the intended meaning earth! Notice carefully that there was a
of the Scriptures clearer, they ITALICIZED SPECIFIC PURPOSE for this gift of languages.
them so the reader would know that they were And NOWHERE do we find even the remotest
NOT A PART of the literal word-for-word indication of UNKNOWN -- unintelligible --
translation. Most of the time these additional “languages” being spoken by the disciples!
italicized words do help in making the meaning 4. Did YEHOVAH later bestow the gift
clearer, but in this case, the use of “unknown” is of speaking in foreign languages upon certain
absolutely misleading! other spirit-filled individuals in His true
2. Is the ability to speak in “tongues” -- Ecclesia? I Corinthians 14:12, 26. Why?
one or more known foreign languages -- a COMMENT: The Ecclesia at Corinth
special gift YEHOVAH God might bestow upon was a Gentile Ecclesia composed of many
some Christians, especially ministers, through individuals from different FOREIGN countries.
the power of His holy spirit? I Corinthians YEHOVAH, therefore, gave certain ones in His
12:1, 10-11. Ecclesia there the gift of speaking the languages
COMMENT: Remember that in the of these people so they could UNDERSTAND
New Testament, the original inspired Greek YEHOVAH’s Word more clearly and be
word that was translated into the English EDIFIED -- be strengthened and built up more
language as “tongues,” is “glossa”. This word perfectly in the grace and knowledge of
means “languages” -- known tongues! If a YEHOVAH God.
“language” were UNKNOWN it would be Notice especially that YEHOVAH gives
nothing but a NOISE! spiritual gifts ONLY when they can serve a
3. On the day of Pentecost, 31 A.D., did SPECIFIC NEED in the Ecclesia!
YEHOVAH God bestow this special gift of 5. Did Paul encourage the Corinthians to
languages upon the disciples at the same instant desire the spiritual gift of “prophesying,”
they received the holy spirit? Acts 2:4. Was this RATHER than the gift of tongues? I
gift given so all the people could understand Corinthians 14:1-5.
them? Verses 5-8. Wasn’t THIS then COMMENT: “Prophesying,” in this
YEHOVAH’s specific purpose for giving the instance, refers to INSPIRED PREACHING.
disciples the gift of tongues? Verse 11. Paul said that inspired preaching is a far greater
COMMENT: Remember, the apostles gift than speaking in TONGUES -- various
did not receive the holy spirit until the day of foreign languages! But if one did receive the gift
Pentecost -- AFTER the Messiah’s ascension to of speaking in a foreign language, and spoke to a
heaven -- NOT before. They were given the gift certain nationality in the Ecclesia, he was to
of other languages, not as evidence of having the interpret or have an INTERPRETER convey the
spirit, but to enable them to be understood by MEANING OF HIS WORDS to the rest of the
Judeans of the diaspora -- the dispersion. congregation that would not have been able to
On that day of Pentecost, 31 A.D., there understand him (I Corinthians 14:5, 13, 27). Or
were Judeanss from many FOREIGN countries else he was to KEEP SILENCE! (Verse 28.)
gathered in Jerusalem. Therefore, it was 6. Is the gift of languages the LAST one
necessary for YEHOVAH God to bestow the gift of a list of gifts mentioned by Paul? I
of VARIOUS languages upon the disciples in
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