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Lesson 28 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7

holy spirit and IS living a righteous, spiritual Then just what DOES YEHOVAH God
life" -- or has come to a “certain SPIRITUAL demand BEFORE baptism? A COMPLETELY
This definitely is NOT what YEHOVAH TUDE! THAT’S ALL HE WANTS!!
God commands! Notice the teaching of the Everyone knows he himself has sinned,
Apostle Paul: and lived contrary to YEHOVAH’s will, though
Paul says YEHOVAH’s “law is he may not have spiritual understanding of
SPIRITUAL,” and that the carnal -- unconverted YEHOVAH’s will. YEHOVAH will grant
-- natural mind is not subject to YEHOVAH’s REPENTANCE to a carnal mind before the
law (Romans 7:14 and 8:7). This plainly says it actual conversion of that mind by the holy spirit.
is impossible to truly understand and follow the One does not need a college education in Bible
spiritual application of YEHOVAH’s law until KNOWLEDGE in order to know how to repent
one has repented and received the holy spirit of and be baptized into the Messiah. Yeshua
YEHOVAH God. instructed his apostles to preach the Gospel,
Yet these sects demand that one must be BAPTIZE repentant believers, and THEN
doing both of these things which YEHOVAH TEACH them the COMMANDMENTS
GOD says are impossible, before they will (Matthew 28:19-20).
baptize him! It’s amazing how far man can Notice now the crystal-clear teaching of
TWIST the clear teachings of the Bible! the New Testament:
Another sect will not baptize an 1. On the day of Pentecost, did the
individual until he comes to “see” and accept repentant believers have to put off their baptisms
“God’s law” as interpreted by its doctrines. Then for some reason, or were they all baptized that
he is placed on six months’ probation to “see if SAME day? Acts 2:41.
he is really WORTHY of baptism." 2. Did Philip baptize the believing
This is utter nonsense! Ethiopian eunuch at once? Acts 8:35-38.
The command of YEHOVAH God is (1) 3. Was the Apostle Paul -- formerly
preach the gospel. This leads to the conviction of known as Saul -- baptized only a short while
those called by YEHOVAH, of the sins they after the resurrected Messiah convicted him of
have committed -- which, in turn, leads to his sins? Acts 9:8-9, 18.
repentance and faith in the Messiah; (2) baptism; 4. When did Paul baptize the Philippian
and (3) then they shall receive the HOLY jailor and those of his REPENTANT household?
SPIRIT, WHICH renews their minds and Acts 16:25, 30-33.
UNDERSTAND SPIRITUAL TRUTH which baptized the same hour after midnight! They did
was IMPOSSIBLE for their carnal minds to not even wait until daylight! Baptism should
comprehend BEFORE! never be delayed without reason. It might be
So, here we have two different sects -- neglected until too late! In every case recounted
the first demanding of those desiring baptism in the New Testament, repentant believers were
that they ALREADY be KEEPING the baptized almost immediately.
SPIRITUAL Law of YEHOVAH God, before But what about those who are not able to
they will baptize them so they can receive the be baptized for reasons completely beyond their
spirit. And the second demanding that those control?
desiring to be baptized ALREADY UNDER- The simple Bible answer is that water
STAND the SPIRITUAL Law of YEHOVAH baptism is not the thing that saves us from the
God before they can receive the spirit. death penalty, makes us righteous, or imparts
What spiritual blindness! eternal life. While YEHOVAH God commands

Avoid a Counterfeit Baptism!
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