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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 28

it “for the remission of sins," yet it is merely of sin, they have failed completely to realize
SYMBOLIC of that which remits our sins -- the what rotten and sinful lives they have led.
DEATH of Yeshua the Messiah. While it also These individuals HAVEN’T REALLY
pictures his resurrection, by which we ourselves REPENTED. They have never been broken up
are finally saved, it is merely the SYMBOL, not about the wretched state of their lives. And they
the reality. Therefore, YEHOVAH makes have not detested and utterly abhorred their own
allowances for cases of individuals ABSO- vanity and selfishness.
LUTELY NOT ABLE TO BE BAPTIZED. Such people don’t immediately begin to
YOU need not worry about anyone UTTERLY study and understand the Bible after baptism.
UNABLE to be baptized. They just continue to go along with the customs,
BUT YEHOVAH God does command the ways, and the TRADITIONS OF THIS
water baptism for the one who is able. If one WORLD. Their lives are not ACTUALLY
defies the command and refuses, or neglects, or changed. They don’t come to know YEHOVAH
even puts off obedience to this command until God personally. And they continue in most of
too late, it certainly would be an act of their sins!
disobedience which would impose the penalty of Their carnal, natural mind will not take
sin, and could cause the loss of salvation! correction from the commandments of YEHO-
When necessity prevents your VAH God “Because the carnal mind IS
immediate baptism, or when circumstances are ENMITY AGAINST GOD" (Romans 8:7).
completely beyond your control, YEHOVAH This is why the “No Works” baptism persists.
will understand and make allowances. Baptism is a vital step on the road to real
conversion, and it must be done YEHOVAH’s
The “No Works” Baptism way, and after TRUE REPENTANCE!
The sad truth is that most “professing
Baptism in most of the churches today -- Christians” -- and this may include you -- have
whether done by immersion or not -- is looked not repented and been baptized properly, and
upon as merely a ritual or initiation into a church have NEVER RECEIVED THE holy spirit!
organization, instead of a burial of the old sinful They haven’t even begun to get ready to start on
life and the beginning of a new way of life. the road to real conversion! (Acts 2:38; Romans
The majority of people have grown up in, 8:9; I Corinthians 12:13.)
been baptized into, and attended some church or Perhaps you have been immersed and are
another. They hate to think, let alone admit, that wondering if your previous baptism was valid.
they have never really been converted. Human Ask yourself why you were baptized in the first
nature impels them to stubbornly maintain their place. Were you baptized simply because many
OWN righteousness. of the members of your family were baptized
Most “baptized” church-going “Chris- and you felt “looked-down-upon,” or had that
tians” of this world never really knew what to “left-out feeling”? Did you stand in the water
repent of. At the time of their “baptism” they and go through the ordinance of baptism simply
intended to “do better” or to “make their peace to “join” the group with whom you had been
with YEHOVAH God." But their “ministers” fellowshipping? Were you baptized because you
never revealed YEHOVAH’s definition of sin to temporarily thought it was “right.”
them -- what they must repent of! Consequently,
Write for:
their baptisms have been nothing more than
mechanical rituals or initiations into church
A New Look at Baptism
organizations -- mere dunkings! For since they
have never been taught YEHOVAH’s definition

Avoid a Counterfeit Baptism!
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