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P. 13
Lesson 28 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
purge his floor. Of what? Of chaff which he will -- the saved -- are gathered into his garner which
FAN AWAY -- remove. The Messiah will have represents the Kingdom.
gathered his wheat into the garner -- the That settles it!
Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. Then he will later John the Baptist was speaking to both
remove -- destroy -- the chaff by FIRE. That is those ultimately to receive salvation and to the
the fate of the chaff -- unquenchable fire! unrepentant sinners.
5. Did Yeshua also compare the evil to When he said, “Christ shall baptize
tares -- weeds which are a menace to the good? ‘you,’” the “you” included BOTH groups. The
What are Yeshua’s own words concerning his repentant are those he would baptize with his
gathering of his wheat -- the good -- and the Father’s spirit -- the others with all-consuming
burning of the tares -- the evil? Matthew 13:30. fire at the time of the final judgment! You don’t
Also scan quickly the rest of this parable, want the “baptism with fire,” do you?
beginning with verse 24. Did Yeshua elaborate
on what the symbol" of this parable represent? “Baptism for the DEAD”
Matthew 13:36-42.
Another doctrine being taught
today is that of “Baptism for the Dead."
Its history, like that of infant baptism,
clearly descends from paganism. It is
widely practiced and taught by the
Roman Catholic Church whose
members have themselves “baptized”
for dead relatives and friends who died
unbaptized. This custom is based on
their misrepresentation of I
Corinthians 15:29.
First notice how this custom
crept into the professing Christian
History shows that the heretic
Marcion, about 150 A.D., introduced an
Grain harvest pictures the “wheat” of Yeshua’s parable
idea of his own -- the practice of
which is to be gathered into YEHOVAH’s Kingdom.
baptizing the living for the dead.
Chrysostom describes the procedure as
COMMENT: “His (the Messiah’s)
floor” in Matthew 3:12 is the same as “his field”
“When a catechumen (one receiving
of Matthew 13:24 -- both are this earth. “The
training in doctrine before church membership)
kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which
dies, they conceal a living person under the bed
sowed good seed in his FIELD." But while he
of the departed. Then they stand before the dead,
slept, the enemy, the devil, came and sowed tares
and ask the dead person whether or not he is
-- sinners. Now he lets both the wheat and the
willing to be baptized. Instead of the dead, who
tares (the chaff) -- saints and sinners -- grow
is unable to answer, the person under the bed
together in his field -- his floor (this earth) --
replies in the affirmative. Whereupon they
until the harvest. Then he will send the angels to
baptize him instead of the deceased, and thus
BAPTIZE THE TARES -- the unrepentant chaff
make quite a farce of the whole matter. Such
-- WITH FIRE that burns them up; but the wheat
power has Satan over the minds of foolish men.
Avoid a Counterfeit Baptism!