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20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 32
“Zinjanthropus” Is No MISSING LINK!
HAVE you ever wondered just how
scientists attempt to prove there is a “missing
link”? -- how scientists piece together scraps and
bits of bone in order to “prove” their theories?
Educated Guessing
You would be shocked if you knew the
method by which anthropologists attempt to
reconstruct supposed ancestors of man!
The “discovery” of ZINJANTHROPUS,
by Dr. L. S. B. Leakey, provides a typical
example. From Olduvai Gorge in Tanganyika, Zinjanthropus as drawn for Sunday Times, April
reported Time magazine on April 24 1964, “... 5, 1964.
came bones of a low-browed creature that Dr.
Leakey named Zinjanthropus and assigned in
1959 to an honored position in man’s ancestry."
Numerous college textbooks soon
accepted his theory as reasonable. The average
professor was willing to believe and teach Dr.
Leakey’s theory as fact. A student would have
been called unscientific -- uneducated -- and a
fool if he rejected this theory.
Dr. Leakey Changed His Mind!
Where is Dr. Leakey’s theory today?
Reported Time in the early 1970s “...DR.
He finally called his “find” a “nonhuman
Zinjanthropus as drawn for prominent scientist.
vegetarian.” He said he is an individual of low
intelligence -- not a tool maker after all.
coloring? In this connection evolutionist Le
The question is: Do evolutionists even
Gros Clark, in The Fossil Evidence for Human
now really know?
Evolution, observes:
Answer: They are merely guessing! And
“Now it is probable that there are no
so do all who reject the Word of YEHOVAH
racial types in which the skull characters are
more distinctive than Negroes and Eskimos; and
yet experts FAIL TO AGREE when faced with
single skulls whose claims to these types are in
question. If a decision proves so difficult in such
Are the drawings and figures of man’s
cases, it will be realized HOW MUCH MORE
so-called ancestors really scientific? Can it be
DIFFICULT, or even IMPOSSIBLE, it will be
determined what a fossil really looked like, that
to identify, by reference to limited skeletal
is, what its facial features were, the skin, hair and
Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?