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Lesson 32 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
coming “from above” caused the mountains to Another Creation
be COVERED, the Hebrew word he used was
KAHSAH. Genesis 7:19-20. During Noah’s Flood the waters were
COMMENT: The word kahsah has the NOT EVERYWHERE VIOLENT, for YEHO-
basic meaning of “TO HIDE” or “TO CON- VAH God watched over the ark (Genesis 8:1),
CEAL.” It is translated “TO HIDE” in Genesis and it weathered the Flood. Therefore, the
18:17; Job 33:17; Psalm 32:5 and Proverbs deposits from the Flood of Noah were NOT as
10:18. deep as those from the pre-Adamic world.
8. How is it translated in Proverbs 11:13 It is common knowledge today that large
and 12:23? numbers of fossils are being dug up from
COMMENT: In these verses it is RELATIVELY GREAT DEPTHS! Some repre-
translated “TO CONCEAL.” It is often used to sent sea life. Others are giant monsters of which
mean “hiding one’s flesh” by putting on we have no other record.
clothing. With this in mind, Moses meant that To what world did these creatures be-
the supersaturated atmosphere (with its thick long?
clouds, fog and rain) caused the mountains to be They are clearly a creation far too
were coming “from above.” IED FAR TOO DEEP -- TO HAVE BEEN A
Only after a five-month period of super- PART OF THE ADAMIC CREATION buried
saturation of the atmosphere (and a two-month in Noah’s day. Most denominations carelessly
drying out period) was it possible once again TO lump THIS DEEPLY BURIED CREATION
SEE the tops of the mountains. By Moses using with the creation of Adam’s time.
the word KAHSAH in Genesis 7:19-20, he meant What, then, does this deeply buried crea-
that the mountains had been HIDDEN FROM tion represent?
VIEW for seven months. HE DID NOT MEAN Why, the great catastrophe brought upon
THEY WERE SUBMERGED! our originally perfect earth because of SA-
We should remember, however, that the TAN’S REBELLION, of course!! The PRE-
Bible shows that in the pre-Adamic period the ADAMIC DESTRUCTION!
entire planet was submerged in water -- see How plain and simple everything be-
Genesis 1:2, 9. In Psalm 104:6 the Bible even comes when we CAREFULLY examine the
says “the waters stood above the mountains.” earth’s strata. We find that the BIBLE HAS
But we should note carefully the Psalm was CONTAINED THE TRUTH ALL ALONG!
NOT talking about Noah’s time. The previous ONLY “SCIENCE” HAS BEEN TOO STUB-
verse (Psalm 104:5) shows that this inundation BORN -- “WILLINGLY IGNORANT” -- TO
was at a time in the first age of the world when ACCEPT IT!
YEHOVAH God “laid the foundations of the YEHOVAH God has used ALL His
earth.” Creation to PROVE to mankind that His Bible
Geology indicates that in the pre-Adamic means EXACTLY what it says. FIRST YEHO-
age many mountain regions were once under VAH tells man plainly in Genesis what is true.
water -- thus explaining the fossil evidence. In THEN He tells man to prove His Word by ALL
fact, there were numerous submergences during the things He has made -- by His Creation: “The
the history of the earth. invisible things of him from the creation of the
world are CLEARLY SEEN, being UN-
Hope of Israel Ministries -- Preparing DERSTOOD by the things that are MADE
the Way for the Return of YEHOVAH [YEHOVAH’s Creation], even His eternal
God and His Messiah!
Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?