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Lesson 32 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
vegetables (verses 11-12).
Scientists admit they are puzzled
at the SUDDEN appearance of these
animals in the fossil record and the
life forms which characterized Sa-
tan’s world. Listen to this admission:
“G.G. Simpson has said, that the
most dramatic and in many respects
‘the most puzzling event in the history
of life on the earth, ... is the change
from the Mesozoic Age of Reptiles, to
the ... Age of Mammals. It is as if the
curtain were rung down SUDDENLY
on a stage where all the leading roles
View of Grand Canyon from Yavapai Point in Arizona. Spec- were taken by reptiles, especially
tacularly defined are layers of stratified rock that were laid dinosaurs, in great numbers and be-
down successively during the pre-Adamic destruction. wildering variety, and rose again
Some layers are more than a mile thick! IMMEDIATELY to reveal the same
setting but an entirely new cast, a cast
DAYS -- NOT thousands, or millions of years! in which the dinosaurs do not appear at all. Other
The destruction of both sea and land life reptiles are mere supernumeraries and the
at the time of Satan’s rebellion is clearly proved leading parts are all played by mammals...”
by the earth’s strata. Geologists call those strata (Historic Geology, Carl O. Dunbar, page 426).
containing sea-life, “Paleozoic” and those Certain REPRESENTATIVE TYPES of
containing primarily land life, “Mesozoic.” All Satan’s world have survived, but the great “Age
the strata composing these two kinds of life were of Reptiles” is forever gone!
laid down suddenly! They are usually much The world is now man’s to populate and
THICKER and HARDER than the deposits of govern (Genesis 1:26).
Noah’s Flood. But man corrupted his ways upon the
It is interesting to note that the pre- earth and SINNED very greatly (Genesis 6:5,
Adamic world has been appropriately called the 12-13). About 1650 years after Adam and Eve’s
“Age of Reptiles.” Giant reptiles -- some prob- creation, YEHOVAH God had to send a flood to
ably weighing up to 40 tons -- not only roamed destroy all breathing things in the land except
the land, but flew in the air, while yet others Noah and all that was with him in the ark.
excelled the fishes in the sea! Gigantic insects
filled the air. Huge tree ferns, horsetails, club Noah’s Flood DID Occur!
mosses, cycads and conifers covered the face of
the earth, creating vast forests unlike any we Evolutionists REJECT the biblical re-
know today. cord of Noah’s Flood. But here is PROOF that
But in Genesis, chapter 1, we have a Noah’s Flood DID occur!
description of the wonderful creation YEHO- 1. Does YEHOVAH God reveal, through
VAH God made for man and his needs. His inspired Word -- the Bible that there was an
Mammals of all kinds suitable for food, work, actual flood in Noah’s time? Read Genesis,
and even pets were made for man (verses chapters 6, 7, and 8.
24-25). Also the grains of the field, fruits and 2. What does YEHOVAH say of
Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?