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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 32
such as the Mexican Chihuahua, and also
great huge dogs such as the St. Bernard
or the Great Dane, THEY ARE STILL
DOGS! They are not cats, nor horses, nor
are they even beginning to show a
gradual trend toward developing into
ANOTHER SPECIES! They are all of
Any farmer who labors in his
fields, raising corn, wheat or other crops,
knows some of the basic proofs of
selective breeding.
Scientists working with guinea
pigs or other animals in laboratories can
arrange an absolute PATTERN of just
Artist’s conception shows pairs of Genesis “kinds” ar- how the genes and chromosomes are
riving at Noah’s Ark to be preserved through the flood. going to react in the interbreeding of
certain animals according to their
VARIETIES of birds, dogs, cattle even people, coloring and various characteristics.
today! This also explains why YEHOVAH God THEY ARE ABLE TO TELL in AD-
could command Noah to put all known “kinds” VANCE just EXACTLY what the offspring are
of living creatures into the ark. For there were going to look like! Again, this does not prove
still relatively FEW Genesis “kinds” in Noah’s anything except demonstrate the existence of an
day. Since that time these “kinds” have produced all-wise, all-powerful God who MADE these
GREAT NUMBERS OF VARIETIES! laws, and who also sustains them!
There has been NO “evolution” since the The FACT that YEHOVAH God com-
flood. But there have been changes within the manded the earth to bring forth living creatures
kinds -- the appearance of NEW VARIETIES of “after his kind,” and has been enforcing and
the same Genesis “kind.” YEHOVAH’s Word is SUSTAINING that law ever since, is another
strictly in accord with TRUE science, not with major PROOF of YEHOVAH’s existence and
“science falsely so called”! (I Timothy 6:20.) the veracity of His inspired Word!
Scientists have ATTEMPTED to prove
their evolutionary theories by “selective PERFECT PRE-Adamic Earth Became a
breeding” and studies in “mutations.” But these RUIN!
do not prove evolution! They prove, as we have
just seen, the existence of absolute, unchange- Exactly what HAPPENED to the earth
able LAWS governing the reproduction of all before YEHOVAH God created the first man?
animal and plant life, and that those laws Only YEHOVAH KNOWS -- for He was the
function within certain LIMITED BOUNDS ONLY One there! Man can only “suppose” or
that cannot be transcended or broken! “theorize” as to what really happened.
While we are able to breed and cultivate YEHOVAH is now going to tell you
today NEW VARIETIES within a great about the origin and subsequent DESOLATION
“KIND,” they are still of the SAME “KIND” and of our earth -- a period of time possibly millions,
NOT a new species of life! There are hundreds or billions, of years before He created the first
of DIFFERENT VARIETIES within a certain humans. It’s all revealed in your Bible!
species, and while there may be small, tiny dogs,
Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?