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Lesson 32 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9
DURING creation week would ALWAYS VAH’s Word or those of this world’s Satanically
REPRODUCE AFTER ITS OWN KIND! The inspired Theory of Evolution.
phrase “after its kind” is repeated time and YEHOVAH God told Noah to take
again! The various “kinds” were NOT to give males and females of all living things on the
rise to NEW kinds, as the Theory of “EVO- earth, “AFTER THEIR KIND,” and place them
LUTION” teaches. in a great ship he was to build (Genesis 7:1-9)
3. Does Hebrews 4:3 show that YEHO- But the doubter will ask, “How could the
VAH intended to keep on creating NEW KINDS ark possibly have held so many creatures since
down through the ages? Or did He FINISH His we find myriad VARIETIES of animals today?"
creations during creation week? That’s a good question! Here’s the
ISHED from the foundation of the world." There In Genesis 2:19-20, we find that
were to be NO NEW KINDS of life coming into YEHOVAH brought all the beasts of the field
existence after the days of creation. An ape was and all the fowl to Adam so he could NAME
always to reproduce an ape -- NOT gradually them. The number of Genesis “kinds” at
develop into a man! Creation were so FEW that Adam was able to
YEHOVAH says HE made ALL the easily give them each a name that same day!
various KINDS of life SUDDENLY. Within a This plainly shows that the original Genesis
week EVERYTHING was created. He did not “kinds” were relatively FEW in number.
ordain that new KINDS of living things would Now scientists have learned that NEW
be appearing in our day! VARIETIES of Genesis “kinds” of life which
The diabolical “THEORY” of the live in the air, sea, or on land, may be produced.
“EVOLUTION” of kinds is DIAMETRI- About the year 1900, Hugo de Vries,
CALLY OPPOSED to YEHOVAH’s true experimenting with the primrose, found that
revelation! Evolution and the Bible can’t both be from this primrose KIND came many NEW
right -- one is a LIE! The Messiah, speaking of VARIETIES OF PRIMROSES that he had never
SATAN, said, “He is a LIAR, and the FATHER seen before. They arose “SUDDENLY, spon-
of it” (John 8:44). taneously, by steps, BY JUMPS. They JUMPED
There is the SOURCE of this
world’s God and Bible-rejecting
Theory of Evolution! Satan inspired it
and continues to DECEIVE the world
into believing it! But Satan’s time is fast
running out. Yeshua the Messiah is
about to REPLACE the “father” of all
Scientific Evidence Proves Bible
Kinds Above, huge St. Bernard and tiny Mexican Chihuchua are
striking examples of YEHOVAH-ordained variations pos-
ANYONE can make claims! sible within the Genesis dog “kind.”
But when it comes to PROVING these
out among the offspring." This process he named
claims, that is another matter. Either we have the
“mutation.” (Man, Time and Fossils, Ruth
PROOF or we don’t.
Moore, Chapter 8, p. 130.)
Let’s examine the evidence to see
This, then, is why we have so many
WHICH claims the FACTS support -- YEHO-
Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?