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Lesson 32 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
UNFATHOMABLE BY man, that evolutionists Genesis 2:7.
can only “suppose” and GUESS, offering vague, COMMENT: YEHOVAH God Al-
ethereal, nebulous “theories” as to how life even mighty, the Life Self-Existent, the One who has
the simplest forms -- “might have” begun! life, who IS Life, who was BEFORE all things,
The INEVITABLE and only LOGICAL IMPARTED LIFE to the first man, and set
CONCLUSION is that the very EXISTENCE within man, the animals, and all plants, the
OF LIFE DEMANDS A LIFEGIVER! cyclical character of life which enables them to
reproduce according to certain
set laws!
“Evolution” of KINDS?
The so-called “Science”
of Evolution theorizes that all
the KINDS of life on our earth --
the creatures of the land, water,
and air -- developed from ONE
simple, single-celled proto-
plasmic substance. It supposed-
ly sprang to life SPONTANE-
OUSLY in warm ocean slime --
SIMPLE LIFE? Powerful microscopes reveal the single-celled WITHOUT external help from
paramecium to be dumbfoundingly intricate. Did this highly any god.
complex creature suddenly evolve out of mud? How could a Exactly how, then, does
creature of such complicated structure -- be it ever so small -- science teach that the various
invent itself, arbitrarily decide to start living and then continue kinds of life -- the bird KINDS,
life’s processes? the animal KINDS, the fish
KINDS, etc. -- developed from
1. Does YEHOVAH God reveal that He Here, in brief, is what the Theory of
has life inherent within HIMSELF? John 5:26. Evolution teaches: A single-celled bit of proto-
Did He also give the GIFT of inherent ETER- plasm multiplied, OF ITSELF, into additional
NAL LIFE to the resurrected Messiah? Same cells. These cells later developed into worms
verse. which multiplied until the oceans became
2. Does the Bible tell us that it is populated with vast swarms of wiggling worms!
YEHOVAH GOD ALONE who gives life JUST THINK! YOU supposedly “e-
whether temporal or eternal? Romans 6:23. volved” from a worm! What an INSULT to
COMMENT: Remember! “Life” is a human intelligence!! But to continue:
GIFT to be GIVEN BY YEHOVAH GOD The worms developed and multiplied.
ONLY! Some gradually took to land, developing lungs
3. Does YEHOVAH dogmatically state for breathing out of water, becoming what are
that He formed man from the dust of the ground called amphibians. Some of them stayed on land
and GAVE him temporal, PHYSICAL LIFE? altogether, and so their gills gradually dis-
Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?