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Lesson 32 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

creatures scientists find entombed in the rocks! the word “upward.” This is a MAJOR MIS-
All the flood deposits of Noah’s time are TAKE! It transfers a meaning to the word that
THIN and SCATTERED over the surface of the gives the English reader the very OPPOSITE
earth. Geologists call these deposits “Cenozoic.” impression from what the Hebrew intended.
Also, notice that Moses DID
NOT describe Noah’s flood as an
ocean deluge. The words “sea” or
“ocean” simply DO NOT appear in
Genesis 6-8. Genesis 7:20 has 15
cubits (23 feet) of water falling from
above: “Fifteen cubits FROM
ABOVE did the waters prevail; and
the mountains [the Hebrew could
also mean ‘hills’] were covered.”
Fifteen cubits defines THE
It was NOT a deluge, but it was
enough to breach the levees and
cover the lowlands and some hills
Petrified log in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North with water for many, many miles in
Dakota, USA. Flood water erosion left log resting on natural all directions. It is a MISTRANS-
earth pedestal. LATION to say the waters rose 15
cubits above the mountains. The 15
“Science” and Religion MISINTERPRET
cubits refers to how much water FELL -- not
the Evidence
how deep the water was!
2. Notice Joshua 3:13 and 16.
In Genesis, chapters 7 and 8, YEHO- COMMENT: To come “from above”
VAH God reveals that the Flood of Noah’s time means the exact OPPOSITE to the word
progressed comparatively SLOWLY. It began “upward,” and means to fall downward -- not to
with 40 days of rain. The flood waters reached rise upward! This can be demonstrated in
their peak about the seventh month of the year Joshua 3:13 and 16 where the SELF-SAME
and it took about the same period of time to word is used to refer to the waters of the Jordan
recede. River flowing DOWNWARD toward the Dead
1. Notice what Genesis 7:20 says. Sea -- “from above.” Notice: “...the waters of the
COMMENT: The theologians who Jordan shall be cut off, the waters that COME
translated the King James Version of the Bible DOWN [MALEMELAH] from upstream, and
completely MISUNDERSTOOD what Moses they shall stand as a heap.”
meant in Genesis 7:20 by rendering the Hebrew Now notice verse 16: “...that the waters
as “fifteen cubits UPWARD did the waters which CAME DOWN [MALEMELAH] from
prevail; and the mountains were covered.” upstream stood still...” I don’t believe that we
Because most theologians automatically have to mention water in all rivers flows
assumed that Moses meant that the mountains DOWNWARD -- not upward!
(even the highest of them) were completely 3. Does Isaiah 45:8 verify this?
submerged by the flood waters, they were led to
COMMENT: Here the prophet Isaiah
translate the Hebrew word MALEMELAH uses a variant of the same word -- MAMAEL -- to
(which actually means “FROM ABOVE”) by
invoke: “Drop down, ye heavens, FROM

Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?
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