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               An Open Letter from the Staff…

               Why  does  the  Bible  talk  about  Israel  so

               Chosen People? What is the connection be-
               tween YEHOVAH’s "chosen people" and spir-
               it-begotten Christians today?       Exactly how
               does ancient Israel  fit  into  YEHOVAH God’s
               plan of salvation? YEHOVAH is not a re-
               specter  of persons (Acts 10:34). Yet He se-
               lected the  ancient nation of Israel as His        HOPE OF ISRAEL MINISTRIES
               "chosen people." Why?                                           ADVANCED

               Most people have heard that YEHOVAH God                           BIBLE
               raised up ancient Israel to be His special         CORRESPONDENCE COURSE
               people.  Yet  almost  no  one understands  that                  LESSON 1
               He denied them  His holy spirit and eternal
               salvation, except for their prophets and a few
               select others. Why?                                              Websites:
               Ancient Israel was YEHOVAH’s chosen peo-        
               ple -- selected not for special favors, but for a
               special PURPOSE preparatory to the ultimate      E-mail:
               establishment  of  the  Kingdom of  YEHOVAH
                                                                Published at Azusa, California by Hope of
                                                                Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH).
               It may surprise you to learn that the Bible is
               primarily concerned with the nation of ancient
               Israel. And that most other nations are men-           EDITOR AND DIRECTOR
               tioned only as they came into contact  with                    John D. Keyser
               Israel. But why?
                                                                        TECHNICAL ADVISOR
               It   is   important   that   we    understand                  Sean C. Keyser
               YEHOVAH’s purpose for the ancient nation of
               Israel, for  without  this  vital  knowledge  one   YOUR ENROLLMENT has been paid by
               cannot fully appreciate and understand the       others. Bulk copies for distribution not
               real purpose and incredible potential of those   given or sold.
               descended from Israel today!                     ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS to the
                                                                Editor at the following address:
               So now let’s begin the intriguing story.  We     Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 853,
               will  start  by  retracing  the  unfolding  of   Azusa, California 91702, U.S.A.
               YEHOVAH’s great Master Plan from Adam
               and Eve to the founding of the nation Israel.     About Our Cover
               Then on to the establishment of the New Tes-
               tament Ecclesia of YEHOVAH God -- spiritual       Sacrifices in the Tabernacle of the Wil-
               and  physical  Israel today. Finally,  we’ll see   derness continued throughout the Exo-
               what part the peoples of other nations will       dus and up until the  construction of
               play in YEHOVAH God’s plan during and af-         Solomon’s Temple.
               ter the Millennium.

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