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               Before we begin, be sure to get your Bible -- if you haven’t done so already.
               It is very important to look up and read each verse of scripture given in an-
               swer to the questions. And why not write out these scriptures, just as the
               kings of ancient  Israel  were instructed  to  write out  YEHOVAH  God’s
               laws? (Deuteronomy  17:18-20.) This  will  help  you  understand  and  re-
               member the vital truths you will be studying. Now let’s begin this important

                                                       LESSON 1

               From Adam to Abraham

               YEHOVAH God created the Adamic line physically perfect. Yet they were
               but  unfinished  pieces  of  YEHOVAH’s  workmanship.  While  they  were  im-
               bued with an earnest of the holy spirit at the very beginning, the full spiritual
               character of YEHOVAH God was yet to be built into Adam and Eve and all
               those who would spring from them. And in the character-building process
               those of the Adamic line must perform their own vital part.

               Unfortunately, Adam and Eve rejected YEHOVAH God as Revealer of spir-
               itual knowledge. In rejecting YEHOVAH they also rejected His government
               -- the way of His law of love. They chose instead Satan’s "get" way of life --
               the self-centered way of vanity, covetousness, envy, jealousy and competi-
               tion leading to strife, violence, destruction, and rebellion against authority.

               Consequently, YEHOVAH God shut the first Adamic humans and their de-
               scendants  off from  a large measure  of  His  holy  spirit  and spiritually re-
               vealed truth. From then on, spiritual knowledge and salvation would now be
               offered  only  to  those  relatively  few  of  the  Adamic  line  YEHOVAH  God
               would  specially call. That is, until the Messiah,  the  second Adam, begins
               his  reign  on  earth  over Israel  and  all  the  minds  of  those of Israel  are
               opened to YEHOVAH’s spiritual truth.

               As the Adamic race began to multiply on the earth, all of Adam’s sons, ex-
               cept one, followed in his Satan-inspired course of human nature. Prior to
               Abraham, only three men are specifically mentioned in the Bible as follow-
               ing YEHOVAH’s way of life.

               1.  Which of Adam’s sons did  Yeshua the  Messiah  call  a "righteous"
               man? Matthew 23:35. Who are the other two men who "walked with God"
               prior to Abraham? Genesis 5:22; 6:9.

               2. From which son of Noah is Abram (who later was renamed Abraham by

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