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               right people of Joseph!

               Israel Becomes YEHOVAH God’s "Chosen People"

               As previously mentioned, Israel (formerly Jacob) had 12 sons. His favorite
               son, Joseph,  was sold into slavery  by his brothers. Joseph  was taken to
               Egypt and eventually became a ruler second only to Pharaoh.

               A great famine caused the patriarch Israel to send his sons to Egypt to buy
               food, where they became reacquainted with Joseph.

               1. Did Israel, at the request of the Pharaoh and Joseph, move his family in-

               to the land of Egypt because of the famine in the land of Canaan, where he
               had lived? Genesis 45:9, 17-18. Where did they settle? Genesis 46:28.

               2.  Did  YEHOVAH  God promise to  eventually bring  Israel back out  of
               Egypt? Genesis 46:2-4; 50:24.

               3. While in Egypt, did the children of Israel multiply exceedingly? Exodus

               4.  After  Joseph’s  death, did  another  Pharaoh  who  did  not  know  Joseph
               make slaves of the children of Israel? Verses 8-14.

               5. Did the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob see the affliction of the Israel-

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