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What did the Israelites request of Aaron while Moses was gone? Exodus
32:1. How did Aaron respond? Verses 2-5.
COMMENT: Soon after Israel entered into a covenant relationship with YE-
HOVAH God -- promising to obey Him -- they forgot the God who had spo-
ken to them directly and who had miraculously delivered them from slavery
in Egypt! They built a golden calf and worshiped it, breaking the first and
second commandments!
2. What was the result of Israel’s sin? Verse 35.
COMMENT: YEHOVAH’s anger waxed hot against Israel (Exodus 32:10).
Nevertheless, Moses interceded for them to YEHOVAH God so that they
were not all destroyed (verses 11-14).
3. In the second year after leaving Egypt, when Israel had reached the wil-
derness of Paran, YEHOVAH commanded Moses to send out 12 scouts to
Canaan. What were they to do? Numbers 13:17-20.
4. What kind of report did the men bring back? Verses 25-28, 32-33. As a
result, did the people of Israel complain against YEHOVAH God and want
to return to Egypt? Numbers 14:1-4.
COMMENT: Because Israel refused to go forward in faith to possess the
promised land, YEHOVAH sentenced them to wander in the wilderness 40
years, until everyone 20 years of age and over (except the two faithful
scouts, Joshua and Caleb) died (Numbers 14:20-38). Hence that genera-
tion of Israelites was not allowed to enter the promised land. But their chil-
dren entered the land of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua, Moses’
5. Did YEHOVAH bless the next generation of Israel as He had promised
He would for their obedience? Joshua 21:43-45.
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God was faithful in His covenant with Israel. He
prospered them abundantly for their obedience under Joshua’s righteous
6. Did the people of Israel continue to obey YEHOVAH God after Joshua’s
death? Judges 2:10-13.
COMMENT: A new generation turned away from YEHOVAH God and
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