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               nant agreement which centuries later came to be known as the "Old Cove-
               nant." (The Covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai was a type and forerunner
               of the NEW COVENANT. The latter will be made with the New Testament
               ECCLESIA, which is physical and spiritual Israel.

               14. Once the covenant was ratified, what material blessings did YEHOVAH
               promise Israel  --  if  they  would  obey  His  commandments? Deuteronomy
               28:1-14; Leviticus 26:1-13.

               15. Did YEHOVAH God also promise that Israel would become a great na-
               tion if they obeyed Him? Deuteronomy 4:5-8.

               16. Would Israel thus have been an example for all nations on earth to fol-
               low? Same verses.

               COMMENT: If Israel kept YEHOVAH’s commandments, every imaginable

               material  blessing  would  have  been  theirs.  And  other  nations  would  have
               seen  their  example  and  blessings,  and  would  have  wanted  to  obey
               YEHOVAH God too!

               17.  But  what  curses  would  result if  Israel  disobeyed  YEHOVAH
               God? Deuteronomy  28:15-68; Leviticus 26:14-39.

               18. Was Israel commanded to choose -- material blessings and long life on
               the one hand, or curses and death on the other? Deuteronomy 30:15-20.

               COMMENT:  YEHOVAH  God laid everything out before  Israel. He gave
               them  His  law  which  they  were  to  obey  and detailed  exactly  what  would
               happen if they chose to obey or to disobey. If they would obey His laws and
               submit  to  His  government,  He  would  prosper  them,  making  them  the
               wealthiest and most powerful of nations.

               But notice in all this that YEHOVAH God promised only national and mate-
               rial blessings. There was no promise of eternal life. He did NOT offer them
               spiritual salvation!

               Israel Makes the Wrong Choice

               Now let’s look at what Israel did once the knowledge of YEHOVAH’s way of
               life was given to them and they agreed to obey YEHOVAH God.

               1.  After  the  covenant  between  YEHOVAH  God and Israel was  ratified,
               YEHOVAH called Moses up to Mount Sinai where he stayed for 40 days.

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