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               6. Did YEHOVAH God give them the spiritual perception to understand the
               lessons they should have learned from their 40 years of wandering in the
               desert? Chapter 29:4.

               7. Did YEHOVAH know Israel would not obey Him after they entered the
               promised land? Chapter 31:20.

               COMMENT:  YEHOVAH  knew  Israel  would break the covenant He made
               with them. But He wanted to teach mankind a valuable lesson through Is-
               rael’s experience and horrible example.

               The multiple generations of Israel and Judah proved once and for all that
               without a large measure of the holy spirit from YEHOVAH God, the Israelite
               man’s mind is incapable of receiving and utilizing knowledge of
               YEHOVAH’s spiritual way of life as defined by His spiritual Law -- the Ten
               Commandments. Thus YEHOVAH God demonstrated that the mind of the
               Israelite  man,  with  the  "breath  of  life"  but  without  the  addition  of  a  large
               measure of YEHOVAH’s holy spirit, cannot submit to YEHOVAH God nor
               solve human problems and evils  which are spiritual in nature. The carnal
               Israelite man simply cannot come to grips with and cure the spiritual prob-
               lems that beset humanity!

               YEHOVAH God used ancient Israel to write in the pages of history these
               indelible lessons. YEHOVAH God intends those descended from Israel to
               learn these lessons when the time comes for spiritual understanding to be
               opened to all those Israelites who have ever lived.

               Spiritual Israel Being Called Today

               The  promises  made  to  Abraham  were  twofold  --  material  and  spiritual.
               Even so, a large measure of the holy spirit and eternal salvation were not
               offered to ancient Israel as a whole. They were only offered to those few
               called by YEHOVAH God to carry out a special mission preparatory to the
               establishment of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God.

               Let’s now trace the spiritual phase of the promises from the time of Abra-
               ham to this present day.

               1.  What, exactly,  was the second part of the promises  YEHOVAH God
               made to Abraham? Genesis 12:3, last part.

               COMMENT: The second phase of the promises -- "in thee shall all families

               of the earth be blessed" -- refers ultimately to the Messiah and salvation of

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