Page 18 - BCCA1
P. 18

               The New Testament  Ecclesia  of  YEHOVAH  God has received  a large
               measure of the spirit of YEHOVAH God. And those in YEHOVAH’s Eccle-
               sia are being prepared by YEHOVAH God through His spirit to be born into
               His ruling family. They will restore His government on earth at the Messi-
               ah’s and YEHOVAH God’s return!

               16. Are those in the body or Ecclesia of the Messiah a part of the spiritual
               household of YEHOVAH God? Ephesians 2:19. Who constitutes the foun-
               dation of this building? Verses 19-22.

               COMMENT: Paul here compares YEHOVAH’s Ecclesia to a building. The
               Old Testament prophets -- along with the New Testament apostles -- form
               the foundation of the true Ecclesia, with Yeshua the Messiah as the chief

               17. Did the patriarchs and prophets of antiquity -- those whom YEHOVAH
               God called before the Messiah established his New Testament Ecclesia --
               have access to the holy spirit? I Peter 1:10-11.

               COMMENT: Notice that the “spirit of Christ...was in them." YEHOVAH God
               gave a large measure of His spirit only to those whom He called to perform
               special tasks. Those few had the holy spirit in large measure  and  will be
               born into YEHOVAH’s Kingdom, as we’re clearly told in Hebrews chapter

               Likewise, those called into YEHOVAH’s Ecclesia today also have a great
               work to perform. The Messiah has commissioned his Ecclesia today to pro-
               claim the Gospel of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God to the entire world of
               Israel! (Matthew 28:19-20; 24:14.)

               18. Are those in YEHOVAH’s Ecclesia also in training for responsibilities in
               the Millennium? Revelation 2:26-27; 5:10; 20:4.

               COMMENT: Spiritual Israel today is being trained to rule with YEHOVAH
               God and the Messiah as a spiritual "kingdom of priests" when they return.
               They will help restore the government of YEHOVAH God over all Israel and
               teach the non-Israelite nations YEHOVAH’s wonderful way of life!

               YEHOVAH God’s MODEL Millennial Nation!

               YEHOVAH God reveals He has not forsaken His chosen people Israel. He
               has not forgotten His covenant with ancient Israel. YEHOVAH God will yet
               give all of Israel’s modern descendants an opportunity to live by His laws
               though  their  forefathers  failed  for  thousands  of  years.  This  time  they  will

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