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               obey! Let’s understand how YEHOVAH God will bring this about in the very
               near future.

               1.  Did  YEHOVAH  God know Abraham’s descendants  would forsake Him
               and His  way? Deuteronomy 31:16. How would  YEHOVAH  God punish
               them? Verses 17-18; chapter 4:25-28.

               COMMENT: Ancient Israel did indeed forsake YEHOVAH God, committing
               grievous sins,  as He knew they  would. As punishment for their disobedi-
               ence,  YEHOVAH  caused them to be  taken captive and scattered among
               the nations.

               2. Biblical prophecy reveals that the birthright tribes of Israel (Ephraim and
               Manasseh) will be taken captive once again because of their continued na-
               tional sins. Will the modern descendants of Israel be scattered all over the
               earth? Isaiah 11:11-12. Will they turn  to  YEHOVAH  God in their  “time  of
               trouble” in the end time? chapter 40:25-31.

               COMMENT: Ancient Israel did forsake YEHOVAH God, committing griev-

               ous sins as noted in Deuteronomy 4:29-30. (Notice especially the words
               "latter  days"  in verse  30.) Will  YEHOVAH  God  then  remember  the  cove-
               nant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Verse 31.

               3. Will YEHOVAH God bring His captive people back to the land He prom-
               ised Abraham? Deuteronomy 30:1-5. What is the time setting for the re-
               gathering of the remnant of Israel? Isaiah 27:12-13.

               COMMENT: The  blowing  of  the "great trumpet" refers to the "last trump"
               signaling YEHOVAH God’s return to earth as King of kings (I Thessaloni-
               ans  4:16; Revelation 11:15). At  His  return  YEHOVAH  God  will  seek  out
               and bring back the remnant of Israel from this modern captivity. Those still
               alive  after  the  soon-coming  Jacob’s  Trouble  (Jeremiah  30:7)  will  be
               brought back to the land of Palestine where all 13 tribes will be settled after
               their former estates.

               4.  Will this coming exodus of  YEHOVAH’s people  Israel from captivity
               around the world be much greater than their former exodus from Egypt in
               the days of Moses? Jeremiah 16:14-15; 23:3, 7-8.

               COMMENT: Jeremiah’s God-inspired  prophecy of this future exodus  was
               written about 600 B.C. The first exodus was only a lesser type or forerun-
               ner of a second and far greater exodus to come!

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