Page 15 - BCCA1
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               Acts 1:15.

               COMMENT: Of the many thousands who had heard the Messiah proclaim
               the good news of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God, there were only 120 who

               6. Had the Messiah previously promised to send a large measure of the ho-
               ly spirit to his disciples? John 16:7; 14:26. Where did the Messiah tell them
               to wait to receive YEHOVAH’s spirit? Luke 24:49.

               7.  When  did  YEHOVAH  God  fulfill  the  promise  of  sending  His  holy  spir-
               it? Acts  2:1-4.

               COMMENT: On Pentecost, A.D. 31, just seven Sabbaths and 50 days after
               the  Messiah’s  resurrection,  YEHOVAH  God  sent  a  large  measure  of  the
               holy spirit to beget and empower the Messiah’s disciples.

               8. Who stood up to speak to the multitudes of Israelites gathered from vari-
               ous nations on that day of Pentecost? Acts 2:14. As a result of his sermon,
               how many more  did  YEHOVAH God call? Verse 41. What did they  do  to
               receive YEHOVAH’s spirit? Verse 38.

               9. Once these new converts received a large measure of YEHOVAH’s spir-
               it, what did they automatically become part of? I Corinthians 12:13. What
               body is  the apostle  Paul  talking  about? Verse  27; Ephesians 1:22-
               23; Colossians 1:18.

               COMMENT: In I Corinthians 12, the  apostle Paul  has drawn an analogy
               between  the  human  body  and  YEHOVAH’s  Ecclesia. In verse 13 he  is
               speaking about being "baptized" -- put into -- the spiritual "body" or Eccle-
               sia  of  YEHOVAH  God. Thus,  when one receives  a large measure  of
               YEHOVAH’s spirit, he automatically becomes a spirit-begotten member of
               YEHOVAH’s Ecclesia.

               But those YEHOVAH God called into His Ecclesia on that memorable day
               of Pentecost were all Israelites (Acts 2:5, 14). Note that there were no non-
               Israelite converts at that time.

               10.  When and how  did  YEHOVAH  God finally open up salvation  to the
               Gentiles (otherwise known as the 10 northern tribes of Israel)? You should
               read all of Acts chapter 10, noticing especially verses 34-35. Also
               see Acts 28:28.

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