Page 12 - BCCA1
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But instead of assuming the leadership role among the nations by keeping
YEHOVAH’s commandments, they followed the ways and customs of the
pagan nations around them! They utterly failed to become a "kingdom of
priests" and a "holy nation" (Exodus 19:5-6) and an example for the world
to follow. But why? Wasn’t it possible for them to obey YEHOVAH God?
The answer to this question brings us to the crux of this lesson!
2. What is the heart, or mind, of man described as? Jeremiah 17:9. Is it
possible for carnal man, without a large measure of YEHOVAH’s spirit, to
submit to YEHOVAH’s Law? Romans 8:7.
3. And is it at all possible for one without a measure of YEHOVAH’s spirit to
really understand spiritual knowledge -- which includes the spiritual princi-
ples of YEHOVAH God’s laws? I Corinthians 2:9-11, 14.
COMMENT: Adamic man’s nature can be very sinful without YEHOVAH’s
spirit (Galatians 5:19-21).
4. Is this because Satan, the god of this world, "broadcasts" his nature --
his attitudes of sin -- to the minds of all those descended from Israel? (II
Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2).
COMMENT: Israel as a whole was not offered a large measure of
YEHOVAH’s spirit. Only their prophets and divinely appointed leaders were
given the holy spirit in large measure (Numbers 14:24; I Peter 1:10-
11). Thus the Israelites did not resist Satan and submit to YEHOVAH God.
Ancient Israel did not realize their lack of YEHOVAH’s power when they
agreed to the terms of the Old Covenant. They desperately needed spiritual
help, but didn’t realize it. They even had great difficulty in keeping the letter
of the law! Without a large measure of YEHOVAH’s spirit, Israel was also
limited to the acquisition and understanding of material knowledge, even
though YEHOVAH gave them knowledge of His spiritual laws. Thus they
could not comprehend, let alone obey, the spiritual intent of YEHOVAH
God’s Law!
Recall that Adam and Eve had also been instructed by YEHOVAH God in
His way. But, they too rejected it, and turned to the way of self-
centeredness -- of vanity, lust, and greed -- of jealousy and envy -- of com-
petition and strife.
5. Did YEHOVAH God realize, when He made the covenant with Israel,
that the people would not be able to keep it? Deuteronomy 5:28-29.
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