Page 24 - BCCA1
P. 24

               3. The first part of the promises YEHOVAH God made to Abraham was A.
               the promise of the Messiah and salvation through Him. B. material and na-
               tional -- that Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation  C. spir-
               itual and therefore individual in nature. D. not fulfilled in any way.

               4. The second part of the promises YEHOVAH God made to Abraham was
               A.  spiritual and  individual  --  the promise of the  Messiah and salvation
               through Him. B. that his descendants would inherit all the land of Canaan.
               C.  that  his descendants would be  prolific.  D.  that his descendants  would
               become a great nation.

               5. The birthright promise A. was not passed on for want of a legitimate heir.
               B. was passed on to the Jews. C.  was passed on to Joseph’s two sons,
               Ephraim and  Manasseh,  when Jacob adopted  them.  D.  stated that  the
               Messiah would be blessed materially.

               6. The "scepter" promise went A. to Judah. B. went to Joseph. C. has nev-
               er been fulfilled. D. has nothing to do with eternal salvation through Yeshua
               the Messiah.

               7. The descendants  of Ephraim and  Manasseh today  have been blessed
               abundantly only because A. of their obedience to YEHOVAH God. B. their
               forefathers were Jacob’s favorite grandsons. C. of YEHOVAH’s promise to
               Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. D. of time and chance.

               8. Which one of the following is not true? A. The children of Israel multiplied
               greatly in number.  B.  Eventually the  Israelites became slaves of Egypt,
               helpless to change their circumstances. C.  YEHOVAH’s miraculous inter-
               vention through a series of miracles set Israel free of Pharaoh. D. God en-
               couraged the tribes of Israel to blend into the surrounding nations so as not
               to be conspicuous.

               9. YEHOVAH God offered the nation of Israel A. only material and national
               blessings. B. nothing in return for obedience to Him. C. a large measure of
               the holy spirit. D. spiritual understanding and salvation.

               10. The children of Israel agreed to become YEHOVAH’s chosen people A.
               immediately after they crossed the Red Sea. B. at Mount Sinai. C. in Egypt
               when  they  kept  the  first  Passover.  D.  out  of  respect  for  their  forefathers
               Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

               11. YEHOVAH God chose Israel above all other nations on earth because
               A.  they  were  the  best  candidate  to  be  a  "holy  nation."  B.  of  the  natural

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