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               comparatively few  of those descended from  Israel  have been called by
               YEHOVAH  God to become spiritual  Israelites.  D.  The spiritual promises
               made to Abraham pertain to flesh-born Israelites as well as other nations.

               19.  Why did  YEHOVAH  God call ancient Israel a  "congregation"  even
               though they did not have the holy spirit? A. These people were a physical
               type of the spiritual Ecclesia that was to be established when the Messiah
               appeared. B. Duality in YEHOVAH’s plan certainly has nothing to do with it.
               C. Because the nation was deeply religious. D. Because the Israelites were

               20. Spiritual Israel today A. is the Ecclesia of YEHOVAH God composed of
               physical and spiritual Israelites. B. is in training to rule with YEHOVAH God
               and the Messiah when they come. C. has been called by YEHOVAH God
               to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God to all the nations

               of Israel. D. All of the above.

               21. Another captivity of Israelites A. will never happen. B. is to happen with

               modern-day  descendants  being  taken  as  slaves  to  nations  all  over  the
               earth. C. will be mild compared to the former captivity. D. will not include
               the House of Judah.

               22. Which of the following will not happen to the modern-day descendants
               of ancient Israel? A. YEHOVAH God will allow all of them to die in captivity
               as punishment for past sins. B. At YEHOVAH God’s and the Messiah’s re-
               turn they will rescue the remnant of Israel from captivity. C. The coming ex-
               odus  of  Israel  out of captivity  will be far greater than their former exodus
               from Egypt. D.  YEHOVAH God  will restore these  regathered  Israelites to
               the promised land where He will make them a model nation.

               23. How will the Israelites respond to YEHOVAH God when restored to the
               land of their forefathers? A. They will rebel against Him as before. B. They
               will reject David as their king. C. They will resist unification of the nation. D.
               They will repent bitterly, turn to YEHOVAH God in obedience, and become
               an example for other nations to follow.

               24. What will not contribute to Israel’s obedience toward YEHOVAH God?
               A. Their realization, through the influence of the holy spirit, of having sinned
               against  YEHOVAH  God.  B.  Their  receipt  of  a  large  measure  of  the  holy
               spirit which will help them to obey. C. Attending church regularly on Sun-
               day. D. Their appreciation for YEHOVAH’s manifold mercy.

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