Page 27 - BCCA1
P. 27

               25. What does the "valley of dry bones" in Ezekiel 37 picture? A. The utter
               desolation at the close of human misrule. B. The destruction of all mankind.
               C.  A resurrection  to spiritual life.  D.  Millions  of  Israelites  who died in  the
               past being physically resurrected after the Millennium to receive their first
               chance to understand YEHOVAH’s master plan, develop His character and
               receive eternal life.


                 The answers will be found in the next lesson. Following the completion of
                 the Hope of Israel Advanced Bible Correspondence Course you will re-
                 ceive a  Certificate  of Completion. If you  complete  the  course with a
                 grade of 75% or better, you will receive an Outstanding Student Award.


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