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               An Open Letter from the Staff…

               In the Bible pages we find references to the “Book
               of Life.” When is someone’s name written into the
               Book of Life? Popular religion would say that this
               happens  when a  person “Gives  his heart  to Je-
               sus,” “Is converted,” “Is born again,” or some such
               phrase. Then they sing songs like, “There’s a new
               name written down in glory, and it’s mine.” But is
               this true?  When were these names written into
               the Book of Life?
                                                                  HOPE OF ISRAEL MINISTRIES

               There  is  ONE chosen race  that  is  “special”  --  a          ADVANCED
               word that means being “a valued property.” These                  BIBLE
               had their genetic code written into the Book of
               Life, “before the foundation of the earth”! It is   CORRESPONDENCE COURSE
               their responsibility to see that their names are not             LESSON 3
               blotted out of the Book of Life! This confirms what
               Paul said  about election being made before a
               person has done good or evil. The Bible does                     Websites:
               not record any progressive or later entries into the
               Book of Life! Eternal life is given to the redeemed
               out of those written in the Book, who are worthy.

               The popular teaching is that DNA or inborn       E-mail:
               “spirit” differences do not matter, because in that
               view  it  is  only  “belief”  that  matters.  Today,  the   Published at Azusa, California by Hope of
               popular understanding is that all races come from   Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH).
               one source and most Christian churches sub-
               scribe to this view, believing that race is a social
               or environmental phenomenon, rather than being         EDITOR AND DIRECTOR
               biological and genetic.  That races have perhaps               John D. Keyser
               99% in common genetically is considered suffi-
               cient proof of this. But within that 1% difference
               are the characteristics of race, and what else           TECHNICAL ADVISOR
               is  ignored  is  the  matter  of  “spirit”  that  fea-         Sean C. Keyser
               tures through the Bible.
                                                                YOUR ENROLLMENT has been paid by
               The word “generations” is a “gene” word. Biblical   others. Bulk copies for distribution not
               genetics is a neglected subject. In this respect we   given or sold.
               are told Noah was “perfect” (or complete)  in    ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS to the
               his genes. This enabled him to  walk  with       Editor at the following address:
               YEHOVAH God.  But why did Noah survive the
               flood? Because we are told, “And God looked up-  Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 853,
               on the  earth, and,  behold, it was corrupt; for all  Azusa, California 91702, U.S.A.
               flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.” The
               word “corrupted” is the  same as that shown in    About Our Cover
               Exodus 32:7, “Thy people, which thou broughtest
               out      of     the     land      of     Egypt,   This picture graphically links the Book
               have corrupted themselves.” How did they be-      of Life to the genetic code placed in the
               come corrupted (spoiled)? IT WAS BY NOT RE-       cells of those descended from Israel.

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