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               Before we begin, be sure to get your Bible -- if you haven’t done so already.
               It is very important to look up and read each verse of scripture given in an-
               swer to the questions. And why not write out these scriptures, just as the
               kings of ancient  Israel  were instructed  to  write out  YEHOVAH  God’s
               laws? (Deuteronomy  17:18-20.) This  will  help  you  understand  and  re-
               member the vital truths you will be studying. Now let’s begin this important

                                                       LESSON 3

               When were names written into the Book of Life?

               1. What do we find in the  Book of Revelation concerning  the Book of Life?
               Revelation 17:8.

               COMMENT: Here it is said to be, “from the foundation of the world.” The
               word “world” here refers to the “cosmos” of Israel. Firstly we can look into the
               tense of the phrase, “were written.” This is perfect tense and passive in
               mood. The perfect tense is indicative of a completed action in the past that
               does not need repeating. The passive mood determines that the subject is the
               recipient of the action. That is, the subject did not have any part in causing it
               to  happen. We  do  not  need  to  analyze  the  phrase, “the  foundation  of  the
               world” further to see that the view of popular religion is quite wrong. The Bi-
               ble does not record any progressive or later entries  into the Book of

               2. Does the Bible say that all people have their names written in the Book of
               Life? Revelation 20:15.

               COMMENT: One conclusion that can be drawn from this verse is that all peo-
               ples’ names were not written into the Book of Life “from the foundation of the
               world”, as this verse says. The phrase, “the foundation of the world” does not
               exactly  parallel the Old Testament  phrase, “the foundation of the earth,” but
               both are used in the sense of establishing something in the past.

               3. Does Scripture indicate when the names were written down? Job 38:4-7.

               COMMENT: As to the time, Job tells us it was, “When the morning stars sang
               together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” The “sons of God” referred
               to here are the angels that serve YEHOVAH God.

               What we will now consider is whether or not what was “written in the book of
               life from the foundation of the world,” might have something to do with genetic
               structure or DNA make up.

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