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               COMMENT:  The “you”  in this passage are those  within the  ecclesia; their
               works bring a reward.

               7. Going now to Jeremiah 12:2, what do we find?

               COMMENT:  Here  we see that YEHOVAH God is far from the “reins” of the
               wicked, even when YEHOVAH is near in their mouths. This means that there
               are people in the ecclesia who are “wicked” in this way.

               8. Medically today, we know that the function of the kidneys has to do with pu-
               rifying the blood, but what is in the blood? Leviticus 17:11.

               COMMENT: The “life” = “nephesh” = “soul.” A pure (Israelite) bloodline is im-
               portant to YEHOVAH God. DNA is found within the blood as well as in every
               other  cell  of  a  person. There  is,  therefore,  a  strong  connection  between
               the blood and the soul.

               The Word “MADE”

               1. Going back to Psalm 139, what does verse 14 say?

               COMMENT: This particular word for “made” has a lot more to it than appears
               on the surface. The word is used in the sense of discriminating, as we see in
               usage such as:

               (a) The setting apart, or the discrimination between the Land of Goshen from
               the rest of Egypt,

               (b) The angel of death discriminating between Egyptians and Israelites in the
               deaths of the firstborn children, and also of separating the cattle of each.

               (c) It is also used in separating those YEHOVAH God loves from all others.

               In this verse under consideration it is Niphil Stem (one of 7 major verb stems
               in Biblical Hebrew) that gives the meaning as: “to put a difference” or “to sepa-
               rate one thing (or group) from all others,” or “to be marked out as being differ-
               ent.” So this phrase carries the idea, “I am fearfully and wonderfully differ-
               ent from all other peoples.”

               In  this  Psalm,  David  is  pointing  out  that  this  discrimination  was  made  even
               when he was in his mother’s womb.

               2. Does this confirm what Paul said about election being made before a per-

               son has done good or evil? Romans 9:11.

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