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of Cain and those of any other sons born to Adam (Ge 5:3, 4), were de-
stroyed at the Flood. So, they say that the taking as wives 'the daughters of
men' by 'the sons of the true God' means that Sethites began to marry into
the line of wicked Cain....Corroborating Scriptural evidence is LACKING to
support the view that intermarriage between the lines of Seth and Cain is
what is here meant..." (Vol. 2, "Son(s) of God," p. 996).
COMMENT: The last of the three views, that of the sociologically mixed
races, while favored by many commentators, is a stretch and totally unnec-
essary when the truth about the two lines of Genesis 1 and 2 is understood.
All the bizarre theories about angels marrying the daughters of men and
producing hybrids that dominated the people of the time is based on noth-
ing more than Greek and Roman mythology -- and probably Babylonian
mythology before that!
6. Let’s read Genesis 6:1-4 again and correctly identify the people men-
COMMENT: This has been a particular problem with the line of Adam, and
YEHOVAH God had to admonish the Israelites time, and time again, about
marrying into the non-Israelite races descended from the sixth day creation.
We see here that the problem started out very early in the Bible narrative.
Who Died in the Flood?
1. It is commonly believed that all human beings on the face of the planet --
with the exception of Noah and his family -- died during the flood -- but is
this true? Genesis 6:17.
2. Now, notice Genesis 7:21.
COMMENT: We saw above that the most important difference between the
mankind of Genesis 1:26 and Adam in Genesis 2:7 was that Adam re-
ceived the Breath of YEHOVAH God in his nostrils. Therefore, those
drowned in Noah's flood were those of the line of Adam ONLY -- those of
the line of Adam who disobeyed YEHOVAH God by marrying women
(daughters of men) from the first creation of Genesis one.
3. As these wayward Adamites continued to disobey YEHOVAH God what
did YEHOVAH God say in Genesis 6:5.
COMMENT: The Judahite historian Josephus (37 A.D. - 100 A.D.) record-
ed in his work Antiquities of the Jews that others besides the family of
Noah had survived the flood -- notice!
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