Page 13 - BCCA4
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               themselves  of all  whom they  chose" in disregard of  YEHOVAH's instruc-
               tions regarding racial separation and purity. Genesis 1:26-28.

               The Breath of Life

               1. What is the most important difference between Genesis 1 and Genesis

               COMMENT: The most important difference between the mankind of Gene-
               sis 1:26  and Adam in  Genesis 2:7  is that Adam received the Breath of

               The dynastic Egyptian belief was that unless one of the gods or goddesses held the cross-like ankh to your
               nostrils you could not breathe in the breath of life, and could not therefore truly live.
               YEHOVAH God in his nostrils.

               2.  What  happened  later  when  the  procreative  power  of  Abram  and  Sara
               was regenerated? Genesis 17:15-16.

               COMMENT: The spirit of YEHOVAH God was embedded in their genes --
               memorialized by  the  addition of the fifth letter  of the Hebrew alphabet to
               their names. Salvation requires that the individual believes YEHOVAH God
               and  that  belief  is  a  function  of  the indwelling  spirit,  NOT  of  the  natural
               flesh -- as the Messiah said to Nicodemus "what is spirit is spirit." Hence
               there was no point in the Messiah dying for people who do not have the in-

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