Page 16 - BCCA4
P. 16

               11.  What does  James,  addressing the  twelve tribes  of Israel,  say  of
               YEHOVAH God? James 1:18.

               COMMENT:  This context CANNOT be extended beyond the "Twelve
               Tribes". Only those referred to as "us" have the "spirit" potential to become
               the sons of YEHOVAH God (Greek huios). The only way that YEHOVAH
               God could be termed the Father of Israel is for those Israelites to have
               a portion of the Father's spirit from conception!

               Israelites alone -- as YEHOVAH's children -- have the inbuilt genetic ability
               of spirit (breathed into Adam to become part of his genetics and passed
               on to his offspring) to "hear" what YEHOVAH God has to say or demand of

               12. Did the Messiah confirm that there were those non-Israelite leaders in
               the Judean nation who could not "hear" his words because they lacked this
               spirit? John 8:42-43, 47.

               COMMENT: According to the humanistic outlook, true Israel (certain of the
               white races) are the only people against whom charges of being racist are
               being leveled today.  In this, all the other races are ultimately  against
               this one people which strongly suggests that all other races are of a
               different "spirit."

               From Adam to Abraham -- and Beyond

               1. Did Adam’s pure line from Adam to Abraham contain the breath of spir-
               itual life? Job 33:4.

               COMMENT:  So where did the  people come from who did not have the
               breath of life? These men and women originated from Genesis 1. Through
               misgenerative activity -- (i.e. race mixing) -- racial pollution was introduced
               to the bloodstream of the sons of Adam, and we find that YEHOVAH God
               sought to eliminate the products of such activity.

               2. Was Noah “pure in his generations”? Genesis 6:9.

               COMMENT: And so Noah and his unmixed family were preserved.

               3. What do we read Genesis 6:12-13?

               4. Then, in verse 17, what do we read?

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