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               An Open Letter from the Staff…

               There is a great difference between the
               CREATION  event  described  in  Genesis
               chapter one and the FORMING event  de-
               scribed in Genesis chapter two. It is common
               practice for most Christians to assume that
               chapter two is simply a rehash of chapter one
               --  with additional information provided. But
               when we take a close look at the differences
               between the two events in the two chapters, it
               becomes  almost  impossible  to  believe  that     HOPE OF ISRAEL MINISTRIES
               they are describing the same event.                             ADVANCED

               Ignorance of the difference between the peo-                      BIBLE
               ple of Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 has enabled         CORRESPONDENCE COURSE
               Satan and his followers to perpetuate the
               conflict of the ages against the white Adamic                    LESSON 4
               race. By deceiving the pastors in their theo-
               logical colleges and also with the help of                       Websites:
               propaganda  in  their  controlled  media,  it  has
               been  possible to render the word of            
               YEHOVAH God of none effect. The Messiah
               warned of the “Leaven of the Pharisees” that
               rendered the word of YEHOVAH God of none         E-mail:
                                                                Published at Azusa, California by Hope of

               The most  important difference between the       Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH).
               mankind of Genesis 1:26 and Adam in Gene-
               sis 2:7  is that Adam received  the Breath of          EDITOR AND DIRECTOR
               YEHOVAH God in his nostrils.                                   John D. Keyser

               This anointing of the spirit (the "breath of life")      TECHNICAL ADVISOR
               is given to those of us of Israel at conception                Sean C. Keyser
               -- it is in our genes passed down from Adam
               and Abraham. It is a deposit or earnest of the   YOUR ENROLLMENT has been paid by
               fullness of the spirit that we will receive in the   others. Bulk copies for distribution not
               future if converted and serving YEHOVAH.         given or sold.

                                                                ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS to the
               Israelites alone -- as YEHOVAH's children --     Editor at the following address:
               have the inbuilt genetic ability of spirit       Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 853,
               (breathed  into  Adam to  become  part  of  his
               genetics and passed on to his offspring) to      Azusa, California 91702, U.S.A.
               "hear" what  YEHOVAH God has to say or            About Our Cover
               demand of them.
                                                                 This picture shows the spirit of YEHOVAH
               Therefore, there was no point in the Messiah      God entering into Adam when  he was
               dying for people who do not have the indwell-     formed, as related in Genesis 2:17.
               ing spirit and hence no ability to comprehend
               and believe the things of the spirit.

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