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               9.  All  this  time the  man was  alone.  What  did  YEHOVAH  God  next do?
               Genesis 2:18-20.

               COMMENT:  It  was  not  until  verse  18  of  chapter  2  that  YEHOVAH  God
               said, “it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help
               meet for him.”

               Note:  In  chapter  1  the  animals  were  created before man  was  created.
               Here they are formed after.

               10. Notice, now, Genesis 2:21-24.

                                                        COMMENT: Rib, Hebrew Tsela. In the Au-
                                                        thorized Version it is rendered as “side” 19
                                                        times; chamber  11 times;  rib twice.

                                                        YEHOVAH  God  made  “a  woman.”
                                                        So one woman  was now created for
                                                        the one man. They were NOT told to mul-

                                                        tiply and subdue the earth but to “tend and
               keep” the garden (verse 15).

               Ignorance of the difference between the people of Genesis 1 and Genesis
               2 has enabled Satan and his followers to perpetuate the conflict of the ages
               against the white Adamic race. By deceiving the pastors in their theological
               colleges and also with the help of propaganda in their controlled media, it
               has been possible to  render  the  word  of  YEHOVAH  God  of  none  effect.
               The  Messiah  warned  of  the  “Leaven  of  the  Pharisees”  that  rendered  the
               word of YEHOVAH God of none effect.

               Knowledge that mankind existed eons before the known six thousand year
               history of  the Adamic race  would remove the imagined  discrepancy be-
               tween Scripture and science.

               The Mystery of Cain

               1. Is there a problem of where Adam and Eve’s son Cain obtained his wife?
               Genesis 4:17.

               COMMENT: If Adam and Eve were initially the only people on earth, then
               where did Cain get his  wife  --  and enough people to build  a city? Some
               preachers say Cain married his sister, but this is not true.

               2. Does YEHOVAH’s law negate this idea? Leviticus 18:9; 20:17 and also

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