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               Before we begin, be sure to get your Bible -- if you haven’t done so already.
               It is very important to look up and read each verse of scripture given in an-
               swer to the questions. And why not write out these scriptures, just as the
               kings of ancient  Israel  were instructed  to  write out  YEHOVAH  God’s
               laws? (Deuteronomy  17:18-20.) This  will  help  you  understand  and  re-
               member the vital truths you will be studying. Now let’s begin this important

                                                       LESSON 4

               The Two Creation Accounts

               1. What does Genesis 1 tell us of the creation of man? Genesis 1:26.

               COMMENT:  The  Hebrew  word  for  "man"  here  is adam without  the  arti-
               cle. Without the definite article “the” it is the collective noun with the
               meaning “mankind,” as it  would  be in English. This is borne out  by the
               use of the plural personal pronoun “them” referring to man in verses 26, 27

               and  28.  It  seems  apparent,  then,  that YEHOVAH God created male and
               female at the same time in chapter 1 of Genesis.

               2. What did YEHOVAH God say after the creation account in Genesis 1?
               Genesis 1:31.

               COMMENT: YEHOVAH God was pleased with the completion of this crea-
               tion and was ready to take the Sabbath rest.

               3. Now we move on to Genesis 2 which tells of the creation of only one
               man, AFTER YEHOVAH God’s seventh day rest. Genesis 2:1-7.

               COMMENT: Verse 5 states that “there was not a man to till the ground.”

               Does this suggest that mankind of Genesis 1 were hunter-gatherers?

               4. What does the Hebrew of verse 7 indicate?

               COMMENT: Here "man" is Hebrew ‘eth-ha’adham (with article and particle
               =     “this    same      man      Adam”).       Notice      what     Appendix        14     to
               Bullinger’s Companion Bible says:

               “I. 'Adam, without the article, denotes man or mankind in general (Gene-
               sis 1:26; 2:5; 5:1, followed by plural pronoun). With the article, it denotes
               the  man,  Adam,  though  rendered  ‘man’  in  Genesis  1:27;  2:7  (twice)
               8,15,16,19 (margin),  22 (twice);  3:12,22,24;  5:1; 6:1 (rendered  ‘men’),
               2,3,4. After this, the Hebrew 'Adam = man or men, is used of the descend-

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