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P. 10
10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 10
truth the state religion. talk.
C. rejected the concept of a pre-existent savior. C. at the age of 12 after being taught by
D. allowed the Good News of the Kingdom of Gamaliel.
YEHOVAH God to be preached without D. right after his resurrection in 31 A.D.
39. The glorification of the Messiah
35. The Messiahs neighbors in Nazareth
A. took place when he was baptized by John.
A. were convinced that he was formed by the B. occurred at his birth since he had the holy
union of the holy spirit with his mother Mary. spirit from birth.
B. knew full well that the Messiahs biological C. will not take place until the Millennium.
father was Joseph the carpenter. D. took place after his death and resurrection.
C. were not aware that he had brothers and
sisters. 40. The Messiah was from above and not of
D. honored the Messiah as a chosen prophet of this world
A. because he pre-existed in Heaven from
36. When all enemies are placed under the before the Creation.
Messiahs feet B. since he manifested wisdom and
characteristics that were of and from
A. YEHOVAH God will make him King of the YEHOVAH God through the holy spirit.
entire world. C. because he was formerly the God of the Old
B. he will assume a subordinate role in Testament.
relationship to YEHOVAH God. D. due to the fact he was part of a Triune or
C. he will reside in the Holy of Holies of the Biune god.
Temple in Jerusalem.
D. he will no longer be our High Priest and 41. The followers of the Messiah will
intercessor with YEHOVAH God.
A. reign with him in Heaven as soon as they
37. I John 5:7 in the New Testament die.
B. reign with him on earth following the
A. is found in the earliest manuscripts of the resurrection.
New Testament. C. still be in human form following the
B. was included by the Mormons during the resurrection.
19th century. D. have a minor role in the soon-coming
C. is not found in the New Testament before Kingdom of YEHOVAH God.
the year 400 A.D.
D. was used by Simon Magus to develop his 42. What was necessary for the atonement of
theology. the Messiah?
38. The Messiah first began performing A. Pre-existence as the second god in a
miracles Biune relationship.
B. To be born of the virgin Mary.
A. immediately after his baptism by John in 28 C. Pre-existence as the second god in a
A.D. Triune relationship.
B. as soon as he was old enough to walk and D. Human existence with no pre-existence.