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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 10

C. Faith and obedience. A. Faith must always be linked with obedience
D. Keeping Christmas and Easter. because faith without works is dead.
B. One with the Messiah’s faith in him will
18. During Noah’s day -- much like today -- the deliberately disobey the Ten Commandments.
land was C. The ancient Israelites remained faithless and
disobedient even after seeing YEHOVAH’s
A. full of God-faring people. tremendous miracles.
B. a type of the soon-coming Kingdom of D. One with the Messiah’s faith in him really
YEHOVAH God. believes YEHOVAH’s ways are always best.
C. governed by YEHOVAH’s economic laws.
D. full of wickedness and crime. Lesson 39
Principles of Prophecy -- The Black Horse of
19. What was the Israelites’ basic problem Revelation 6
during the Exodus?
23. What are the Biblical symbols for famine?
A. They failed to utilize the holy spirit given
them before leaving Egypt. A. A black horse and rider with scales.
B. They failed to take enough supplies to last B. Cows and heads of grain.
the time of the Exodus. C. A chariot pulled by red horses.
C. They lacked faith and disobeyed D. A ram with two horns.
YEHOVAH’s commandments.
D. There were too many non-Israelites in their 24. The white horse of Revelation 6:2
midst. represents

20. In whom did Abraham have complete A. false religion deceiving the very elect.
confidence? B. the resurrection of the saints when the
Messiah appears.
A. YEHOVAH God. C. the 144,000 firstfruits of the 1st century
B. Yeshua the Messiah. A.D.
C. Melchizedek, king of Salem. D. the going forth of the Gospel of the
D. In himself. Kingdom of YEHOVAH God.

21. Which one of the following statements is 25. The veneration of the Virgin Mary
A. is a pagan custom that comes from the cult
A. Faith is the “power of positive thinking.” of the Oriental mother goddess.
B. The person who trusts in his own heart is B. is a Christian custom found in the pages of
wise. the New Testament.
C. Sanctimonious sentimentality, feelings and C. is not practiced by the Roman Catholic
emotions are evidence of having the faith of the Church.
Messiah. D. was practiced by the early true Ecclesia in
D. The faith of YEHOVAH God is a spiritual the years following the Messiah’s death.
matter -- not physical!
26. What is the symbol of the holy spirit?
22. Which one of these four statements is false?
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