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Test 10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
forces. A. No, that could never happen. Shadrach,
D. are to be sold off to the highest bidders. Meshach and Abednego were mistaken in
thinking it could.
9. The institution of a non-interest bearing B. With each trial YEHOVAH God will always
medium of exchange make a way of escape short of death.
C. Yes, because one must be willing to give up
A. will cause the economy to collapse. his life for the Messiah and his ways. But
B. will allow other countries to get an unfair YEHOVAH God has promised to resurrect all
economic advantage over us. who have diligently served Him.
C. will cause a cycle of prosperity such has D. YEHOVAH God would be unfair to decide
never before been seen. that anyone should wait until the resurrection
D. will encourage excess land speculation and for deliverance or healing.
marginal stock market trading.
14. After YEHOVAH God had tested Abraham
10. What is the prime purpose of production in to the fullest extent possible, His promise to
YEHOVAHs economic plan? Abraham was made
A. To fund the mining of gold and silver. A. conditional upon his children obeying
B. To supply men with the needs and comforts YEHOVAH God.
of life. B. unconditional.
C. To provide rich stock owners with high C. retroactive to the time of Adam.
yield returns. D. to become active during the reign of King
D. To provide the Levites with capital to loan David.
out to the people.
15. What chapter in the Book of Hebrews is
11. Under YEHOVAH Gods law referred to as the faith chapter?
A. the Levites will be taxed but not the A. The third.
common people. B. The seventh.
B. all taxes will go into the Temple treasury. C. The twentieth.
C. all buildings and machinery will be taxed. D. The eleventh.
D. no tax will be levied against a mans
inheritance. 16. Abraham demonstrated faith in YEHOVAH
God by
12. At the close of every 49 years an extra year
A. his obedience to YEHOVAHs laws.
A. is known as the Jubilee year. B. leaving Ur of the Chaldees without his wife.
B. is known as the Feast of Tabernacles. C. having a large family.
C. is needed to renew all leases on the land. D. killing his only son Isaac.
D. is known as the year of rest.
17. What are the twin conditions to receiving
Lesson 38 YEHOVAHs promises?
What It Means To Live By Faith
A. Hope and optimism.
13. Might YEHOVAH God actually allow one B. Bible study and prayer.
to die, who was faithfully trusting in Him?