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4 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 9
mean eternal DEATH. your interest, then you are PRAYING to YEHO-
Thats why YEHOVAH God doesnt VAH God on your knees every day, and main-
want you to have these other gods BEFORE taining a SPIRIT OF PRAYER -- a MENTAL
Him. For your own sake -- in your own interest -- ATTITUDE OF PRAYER at other times during
you must keep Him enthroned and enshrined the day. The contact with YEHOVAH God
constantly ABOVE ALL. You must study HIS MUST NOT BE BROKEN!
WORD in order to be INSTRUCTED by Him. THIS kind of Christian life -- the only
Instructed in what? Instructed in true kind that truly IS Christian -- requires, as the
KNOWLEDGE -- knowledge of YEHOVAHs Bible emphasizes repeatedly, zealous DILI-
PURPOSE for you -- knowledge of and about GENCE. You must CONCENTRATE on it. You
YEHOVAH GOD -- and knowledge of HOW must be DEDICATED to it. It requires utter
TO LIVE. Yeshua the Messiah said you must CONSECRATION. It requires total EARNEST-
actually LIVE BY the words of the Bible. It is NESS.
your GUIDE TO LIVING -- your INSTRUC- Yes, it requires the application of the
TION BOOK the Maker sent along to instruct other six laws of SUCCESS -- EDUCATION,
you in HOW to OPERATE this mechanism that in which the Bible is the main textbook; GOOD
More, you must study His Word -- your trated DILIGENCE and EFFORT; RE-
BIBLE -- to find what you now believe that is SOURCEFULNESS; STICKING TO IT --
wrong, and what you are DOING that is wrong -- enduring; and CONTINUAL CONTACT with
to be CORRECTED and reproved by it. You and the guidance, help, and power of YEHO-
must study it to let it INSTRUCT you in the VAH GOD.
ways of Gods RIGHTEOUSNESS -- HIS WAY True spiritual-mindedness is NOT a
OF LIFE. And then you must DEVOTE yourself sticky sentimentalism. It is NOT a certain
to LIVING IT! emotional mood. It is NOT the use of a certain
Still, without daily PRAYER YOU can- religious phraseology, saying constantly,
not maintain CONTACT with
YEHOVAH God. And when that
CONTACT is broken, you are CUT-
OFF from Him -- and His Spiritual
ceases flowing into you. For, under-
stand, these divine attributes of His
spirit DO FLOW! They are IN
MOTION. They do not stagnate. You
either GROW spiritually -- in know-
ledge -- in grace -- in YEHOVAHs
character -- or you deteriorate back to-
ward becoming carnally minded, to
the lake of fire!
But if YEHOVAH, and the Store full of consumer goods. YEHOVAH wants us to
things of YEHOVAH -- His revealed prosper (III John 2). But our people idolize physical things.
knowledge -- His Law -- His love -- Isaiah cries out, Their land also is full of idols; they
His WAY for you to live -- are FORE- worship the work of their own hands, that which their own
MOST in your mind, your thoughts, fingers have made" (Isaiah 2:8).