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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 9
10. How can we be instant in prayer every Lesson 34
day? Principles of Prophecy -- The White Horse
of Revelation 6:2
A. By being on our knees all the time.
B. By periodically spending time on our knees 13. The word Greek(s) is often used in the
in prayer so we can be in an attitude of prayer New Testament to refer to
and praise to YEHOVAH God the rest of the
day. A. the inhabitants of Parthia.
C. Certainly not by also spending time B. dispersed Israelites.
mediating on YEHOVAHs law every day. C. the inhabitants of Rome.
D. By speaking silently to YEHOVAH as we D. dispersed Judahites.
go about our work or play instead of praying
daily on our knees. 14. The bow carried by the rider of the White
Horse represents
11. Which one of these four statements is false?
A. false messiahs going forth to preach a false
A. If we would receive something from gospel.
YEHOVAH, we must first repent of our sins B. the swiftness of Romes military might in
and draw close to Him in prayer. dealing with unrest.
B. We may ask and not receive, if the only C. the message of the antichrist at the end of
reason for receiving is to gratify the lusts of the the age.
flesh. D. the preaching of the true Gospel message.
C. We definitely will not receive any special
blessings from YEHOVAH unless we ask for 15. The crown worn by the rider of the White
them. Horse of Revelation 6:2 is employed
D. YEHOVAH does not promise to exalt us if figuratively by Paul and John as a
we humble ourselves.
A. symbol of Christian triumph.
12. Which one of these four statements is false? B. symbol of authority and power.
C. diadem worn by the great, fiery red
A. YEHOVAH is primarily concerned with dragon.
whats going on in our hearts -- the thoughts D. representation of the crowns worn by the
and attitudes of our minds. rider of the horse in Revelation 19:12.
B. We should pray like David did, Create in
me a clean heart. 16. In Habakkuk 3:8-13 the bow is a symbol of
C. The way YEHOVAH creates a clean heart
in us is by writing the very spiritual intent of A. fast moving warfare.
His law in our hearts by His holy spirit. B. Assyrian power.
D. There is no need nor example in the Bible of C. YEHOVAHs word.
asking YEHOVAH to search our hearts and try D. the Babylonian royal house.
our thoughts.
17. What does Daniel 12:10 contrast the color
white with?
A. Wickedness.
B. The sexual mores of YEHOVAHs true