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Test 9 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
Lesson 33 Father.
The Power of Prayer C. is for no purpose other than to illustrate what
we can become if we overcome as he did.
3. What does YEHOVAH God say about the D. is a responsibility of strengthening and
inherent weaknesses of our sinful human nature? adding to our own prayers -- interceding on our
behalf before the Father.
A. He says we will always remain weak, because
He made us out of perishable dust. 7. Which one of these four statements is true?
B. That He is more than willing to give us His
power -- His holy spirit -- to overcome them. A. We should come boldly to YEHOVAHs
C. That He will not under any circumstances throne for the mercy, pardon and power He
ever deliver us from the bondage of our promises to give us.
corruptible nature. B. YEHOVAH will forgive our sins, but not
D. That we do not have to ask for His spiritual really forget them.
strength to overcome them. C. YEHOVAH promises to forgive the very
worst type of sins, but only on the condition we
4. Which one of these four statements is false? never sin again.
D. It is not absolutely essential to pray daily for
A. YEHOVAH God plainly states that He wants YEHOVAHs mercy and power to ultimately
us to become His spirit-born sons. inherit His Kingdom.
B. YEHOVAH knows we will stumble and fall
short of His goal for us from time to time. 8. Can one, when tempted, often keep himself
C. YEHOVAH wants us to learn that He alone is from sinning?
our reservoir of strength who will give us the
power to overcome and grow in His righteous A. No! There is no way to keep from sinning
spiritual character. until we have been changed into spirit
D. YEHOVAHs mercy toward us is cut short B. When we are on the verge of disobeying
once we sin after baptism. YEHOVAH, it is too late to ask Him for help.
C. Yes! By keeping oneself spiritually close to
5. Which one of these four statements is false? YEHOVAH through prayer so he can
immediately draw upon YEHOVAHs power.
A. True Christians still sin occasionally after D. We can usually ward off temptation without
baptism. prayer.
B. YEHOVAH alone can forgive our sins and
wants everyone to repent so He can forgive 9. Which one of these four statements is false?
C. There is no more forgiveness for a person A. Fervency in prayer is not necessary when
who sins after once being forgiven. asking YEHOVAHs forgiveness.
D. YEHOVAH is not willing that anyone should B. David literally cried out to YEHOVAH God
die eternal death because of sin. at times, often with tears.
C. The Messiah on one occasion warned his
6. The Messiahs role as our heavenly High disciples to wake up and pray so they would not
Priest be tempted.
D. The Messiah himself was heard because he
A. is chiefly an honorary position. feared to sin, and prayed fervently to
B. has nothing to do with our prayers to the YEHOVAH God.