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Biedermann further says, "In Norse myth ODIN appears at times as a BEAR (Bjorn)."
               Mercury -- a Roman god -- was identified with the Teutonic god called Woden (same as Odin) in
               Anglo-Saxon, and his day of the week accordingly became "Woden's day" (Wednesday).

                       The lion, the bear, the serpent, Jahwah's hatred of the festivals and the worship of Sat-
               urn -- the star god are all a part of a parable of the Day of Jahwah described in Amos 5:18-27:
               "Woe to those who yearn for the day of Jahwah! What will this day of Jahwah mean for you?
               Darkness and not light! It will be as though a man FLED FROM A LION only TO MEET A BEAR;
               or went into the house and rested a hand against the wall, and was BITTEN BY A SERPENT....I
               despise your  feast days; I cannot stand your solemn assemblies....O House of Israel...You will
               take up the tabernacle your king, and Chin your star-god, the images which you made FOR
               YOURSELVES...." These are some important facts to ponder: -- The United States is a part of the
               House of Israel -- We as a nation look to our king/president/government to meet all of our needs
               instead of looking to and depending on Jahwah -- Chiun is none other than the planet Saturn, and
               we pay honor to this star-god by naming Saturday in his honor.

                       This beast of Satan has seven heads -- the Babylonian worship system was controlled by
               the seven heavenly luminary bodies. This beast of Satan has  ten horns  -- Nimrod's Babylonian
               kingdom began with ten city/governments/powers.

                       Revelation 17 describes the location of the City of Babylon. In order to understand a sub-
               ject, go back to its beginnings. The Tower of Babel was the beginning of Nimrod's kingdom. Thus
               far, we have traced in the foregoing study how the Mysteries of the Babylonian false religion left
               the Tower of Babel -- flowed all through the Babylonian Kingdom into Egypt -- from there into
               Greece and then into the City of Rome, also known as the City of Saturnalia. From the City of
               Rome, this religion completely consumed Christianity. The apostles foresaw this apostasy and
               were adamant in their warning to the Messiah's flock.

                       Verse 9 of Revelation 17 describes the heads  of the beast: "The seven heads are  seven
               mountains   on which the woman/whore/apostate church sits." Remember "heads" in Greek also
               means "lords" and "masters." "Babel" can also be read as "Bab-bel," i.e. "Gate of Bel;" Bel is
               just another form of Baal, which means "lord" or "master." "Mountain" in Greek is "oros" which
               means a mountain, AS LIFTING ITSELF ABOVE THE PLAIN; A RISING; Perhaps akin to 142 --
               airo, which means to lift, lift up; See also 3722 -- orthros -- which means a RISING OF LIGHT
               FROM THE SAME AS OROS. Could this verse read "The seven lords are seven risings on
               which the woman (whore/apostate church) sits," (meaning the seven illuminary risings are lords
               over the seven days of the weeks on which all pagan religions worship after the fashion of the
               Babylonian Mysteries)? The Muslims worship on  Friday over which the planet Venus rises and
               rules -- the Jews and their followers worship on Saturday over which the planet Saturn rises and
               rules -- the Catholic Church and all her daughters worship on Sunday over which the Sun/serpent
               rises and rules.

                       The earthly dwelling house for Bel (a ziggurat) was first named "Ekur," which meant "The
               Mountain of the earth." The Dictionary of Symbolism by Hans Biedermann -- page 228 states:
               "The ziggurat structures of ancient Mesopotamia were architectural translations of  DIVINE

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