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6    32   3     34   35   1
                                               ---  ---  ---   ---  ---  ---
                                               7    11   27    28   8    30
                                               ---  ---  ---   ---  ---  ---
                                               19   14   16    15   23   24
                                               ---  ---  ---   ---  ---  ---
                                               18   20   22    21   17   13
                                               ---  ---  ---   --   ---  ---
                                               25   29   10    9    26   12
                                               ---  ---  ---   ---  ---  ---
                                               36   5    33    4    2    31

                       The sum of the six columns computed either horizontally or vertically TOTAL 666.

                       Genesis 10:10 states that Babel was the beginning of Nimrod's Kingdom. "Saturn" was the
               name given to the pagan worship of the Babylonian ruler Nimrod, who was known as the GOD OF
               THE CHALDEAN MYSTERIES. The name Saturn in Chaldee is pronounced "Satur" but in Ara-
               maic it is spelled "Stur" as shown in the book  The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop. "Stur"
               has the numerical value of "666." "Saturn" means "The Hidden One," which relates that this
               whole pagan religion is HIDDEN -- secret. In Greek, Saturn     was known as "Kronos," which
               means "TIME." (Saturn was given a day of TIME in the pagan week -- Satur-day.) In Egypt, Sat-
               urn was known as Apis -- the bull god of Memphis. The golden calf at Mt. Sinai was none other
               than the image of Apis, the bull of Memphis. After the Israelites made this golden calf, a false feast
               was declared to honor Jahwah:

                       Thus when Aaron saw it (the golden calf), he built an altar before it; and Aaron made a
                       proclamation, and said, "TOMORROW IS A FEAST TO JAHWAH (Exodus 32:5-6).

               (Note: This was not a true appointed-time feast for Jahwah; it was a FALSE FEAST. Could this
               have been the false weekly Sabbath dedicated to Saturn/Apis/Nimrod, i.e.  Saturday/Saturn's

                       One of the web sites I recently visited, stated that 666 formed a word in Latin/Greek --
               "DICLUX" -- which means "Gods of Light." This hasn't been confirmed as yet, but the definition
               sure fits all of the other research -- very interesting!!

                       Paganism is mainly a religion of nature worship of which the sun and the moon are the pre-
               dominant deities. The sun is usually the male and the moon the female (as Horus and Isis of Egypt.)
               It is very interesting to note in ancient mythology, the serpent was UNIVERSALLY THE SYMBOL
               OF THE SUN. Sun worship and serpent worship began side by side. The sun was proclaimed to
               be the source of all fleshly life and the serpent the origin of all spiritual life. But remember, Reve-
               lation 12 states that the serpent has "deceived the whole world."

                       At this time, it would be very enlightening to make some comparisons between the
               serpent/dragon of Revelation 12 and Nimrod, since Nimrod's Babylonian kingdom was set up in
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