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"Finally, consider this account of Ethelred's  DANzig on the Co-DAN Gulf (now the Bal-
                 Coronation:                                    tic), and DENmark or DANmark (DAN'S
                                                                Land). There is a River DON in Aberdeen-
                 "'Two Bishops with the Witan shall lead him    shire and another in Yorkshire. On the latter
                 to the Church. When the King arrives at the    stands DONcaster which, on an old map, is
                 Church he shall prostrate himself before the   spelt DONcastre. Devonshire, again, is the
                 altar and the Te Deum shall be chanted. When   modern name for DANnonia. In Ireland there
                 this is finished the King shall be raised from  are, among many others: DUNdalk, DONegal
                 the ground and having been chosen by the       and DONaghadee -- the last-named, trans-
                 Bishops and people shall, with a clear voice,  lated, becoming 'DAN my witness'.
                 before God and all the people, promise that he
                 will observe three rules.'                    'Dan, noted its maritime activities (Judges 5,
                                                               17), also left its name along the Mediterranean
                 "'There followed the Coronation oaths, the    coast. The three outstanding examples are
                 crowning ceremony and the giving of the scep-  MauriTANia (the northern African coast of
                 tre and the rod. The whole ceremony bears a Algeria) which, in the HEBREW, means a set-
                 remarkable similarity to that of the coronation  tlement or colony of DAN; and SarDINia
                 of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, in 1953,  (Sar-DON-i) meaning emigrant, dispersed or
                 which included part of the old Saxon service  detached DANITES. Keating, in his 'History
                 -- the lesson from Matthew 22:21, three       of Ireland', tells us that: 'The Dan-ans were a
                 prayers and the anthem, 'Zadok the Priest and  people of great learning and wealth: they left
                 Nathan the Prophet anointed Solomon king.'    Greece after a battle with the Assyrians and
                                                               went to Ireland and also to Danmark, and
                 "There is little doubt that early Saxon kings  called it DANmares, Dan's country.'
                 knew of the Stone of Destiny, and its signifi-
                 cance. Hence the Kingston Stone was to them    'A bold, seafaring people, they had to fight
                 a substitute against that day when Jacob's Pil-  their way into the Isles of Britain against the
                 low should come to its appointed place at the  strenuous opposition of their kinsmen, the An-
                 heart of the Nation."                          gles, Saxons and Jutes. They came across the
                                                                North Sea, during the ninth and tenth centu-
                                   -- John F. Battersby for Wake Up!,  ries, from Denmark and ScanDINavia. Both
                                                             July/August 1996.  these place names contain the appellative
                                                                'DAN'. It is highly probable that many of
                    The Pioneering Danites                      these DANES were DANITES, who were in
                                                                the habit of naming places 'after the name of
                                                                Dan, their father'. After a long struggle with
                 'Dan was the pioneering clan (Deuteronomy      the Saxon kingdom, which was predominant
                 33, 22), and the great rivers and waterways    under Alfred the Great, the Danes under Ca-
                 of Europe bear witness to the tribal habit of  nute gained the upper hand and the kingdom
                 naming places 'after their father DAN'         became gradually welded together -- ready
                 (Judges 18, 29). The following are a few ex-   for the final consolidation under William the
                 amples of this custom culled from 'Dan: Lost   Conqueror when the rearguard of wandering
                 and Found' by the late H. H. Pain. In Europe,  ISRAEL arrived in the Appointed Place.
                 there are the DANube, the DANaster (D'Ni-
                 ester), the DANapris (D'Nieper), the Russian                             -- Wake Up! January, 1980.
                 DON, the RhoDAN (now the Rhone),

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