Page 64 - BV1
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The Judaeo-Trojan Origin of with Empire. He knew the Scots venerated the
Stone and were willing to die for it. He knew
European Kings the Scottish nation and believed there was an
aura of fatality, inseparable from their ancient
'The varied collection of sagas, poetry and stone, which convinced them that their monar-
prose which comprises the early literature of chy could not be shaken while the relic was in
the northern nations of Europe contains much the land; but it would suffer great changes
interesting and valuable historical material, were the Stone removed. So he took the Stone
although it is often difficult to separate the fan- after defeating them in battle. [This was one of
ciful from the factual. The repeated assertions the causes of the rebellion led by William
and implications that the families descended Wallace several years later].
from ODIN (or WODEN) derive from the an-
cient TROJAN KINGS (often thought to be- 'On the surface he wanted to persuade the
long to the fanciful category) may indeed Scots that the time for the dissolution of their
prove to have FIRM foundation in truth. Sev- kingdom had come, and so dampen their hopes
eral factors provide evidence which is harmo- of ever recovering their national liberty. But
nious with such a claim. inwardly Edward dreamed of an Empire, and
he its sovereign lord. Was there truth in the
'Ancient classical and extra-Biblical sources prophecy about the Stone; he wanted it! To en-
indicate that the Trojan kings were of the sure that his secret desire was not flawed, he
ROYAL LINE OF JUDAH and that they were had all the Scottish monuments destroyed, and
closely related to OTHER royal families in books and records burned.
Ionia, Greece and Crete. The early British
king-line is traditionally descended through 'Unless the fates are faithless grown,
the Trojan kings, and the kings of IRELAND And Prophet's voice be vain,
are stated to have sprung from the MILESIAN Where'er is found this Sacred Stone,
royal family in Ionia into which 'Pharaoh's The wanderer's race shall reign.'
daughter' married. Accepting these sources,
the royal families of the northern nations of 'This detestable act was abhorred by all who
Europe -- Irish-Scottish, Early British, Frank- knew of it ('History of England,' by M. Rapine
ish, Norwegian -- are ALL of the SCEPTRE- de Thoyras, page 427). Refering to this, de
TRIBE OF JUDAH and the many inter- Thoyras wrote 'Those records were such a
marriages of these royal lines would thus all loss to the nation, to their posterity and to the
be within the one great royal family of which world, as time could never replace.' And he
so much is prophesied in Scripture. Queen revealed that in a similar manner and from
Elizabeth II has stated that she is WO- similar motives many valuable Irish records
DEN-BORN.' were also consumed.
-- The Link, December 1981. 'After obliterating -- so he thought -- all ves-
tige of Scottish freedom and self-rule, Edward
Edward I and Jacob's took their beloved Stone triumphantly to Eng-
land, and lost no time drafting plans to build a
Pillow-Stone new chair for it. In the Waldrobe Account
book it is referred to as the Stone from Scot-
'Edward I was aware of the sacred Stone of land, not 'Scotland's Stone.' Also, it seems that
Scotland and its strange history connecting it someone provided knowledge convincing