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rebellion against Jahwah's government/kingdom. The dragon/serpent/Devil/Satan had SEVEN
               HEADS. According to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, the seven heavenly illuminaries of the
               SUN, the MOON, and the five planets were inscribed on top of the Tower of Babel. The word
               "Heads" in Greek is "kephale" which also means "supreme, chief, prominent, MASTER, LORD."
               This is truly revealing as "Baal" in Hebrew also means LORD, MASTER, and owner. Revelation
               12:3 also states that this dragon beast had 10 horns. "Horns" in the Scriptures symbolizes powers
               or kingdoms. Well, guess how many city governments Nimrod set up in the beginning of his king-
               dom -- a great big  ten: Babel. Erech, Accad, Calneh, Shinar, Asshur, Nineveh, Rehoboth-ir, Ca-
               lah, and Resen.

                       This religion of the serpent with the seven heads and ten horns has passed down from one
               occult priesthood to another all the way down through the years as man was scattered throughout
               the earth from the time of the Tower of Babel. In the Orient today, everything is symbolized by that
               same serpent. A Buddhist temple in Thailand has two winged serpents adorning the entrance to the
               sanctuary. The serpent symbolizes a guardian to the temple in Alexandria, Egypt. Even we in the
               United States have adopted the serpent called Aesculapius in the medical field. In Greece, this ser-
               pent was the god of drugs and medicines -- a counterfeit healer. In Italy, the Romans adopted the
               worship of the serpent as a symbol of power that carries the soul to heaven. In the Archaeological
               Museum in Rome, a sarcophagus of the dead has two serpents pulling a chariot, taking these peo-
               ple to heaven. Rome also adopted this symbol of the serpent as the healer.

                       Revelation 12 describes Satan and his kingdom and his entire apostasy as the dragon or
               the winged serpent. The New Age Movement of today is using the serpent as a symbol of energies
               with which our minds should unite. The religion of the serpent is characterized in the Scriptures as
               the "destroyer" and the "enemy." The SEVEN HEADS OF THAT DRAGON are depicting THE
               SEVEN PLANETARY GODS that began in Babel. The TEN HORNS denote all the powers that
               rule this Babylonian world kingdom. That old serpent/dragon was cast out onto the earth. He de-
               ceived the whole world.

                       After the kingdom of Babylon fell, the entire system of Babylonian and Egyptian mythology
               was TRANSFERRED to  Pergamos        in Asia Minor. John tells about it in Revelation 2:13 when
               writing to the Church of Pergamos: "I know where you live; it is where THE THRONE OF SA-
               TAN IS." Later the system was carried into the City of Rome, where the Roman Catholic Church
               now has its headquarters. This system was already beginning to work during the days of the apos-
               tles, but its fulness had not been revealed. Paul calls this entire hidden god system of Saturn Wor-
               ship "the mystery of iniquities" in Thessalonians 2:7. In Revelation 17:5, John refers to it as
               "Mystery, Babylon the Great."

                       Remember, Nimrod's Babylonian Mystery Religion was shrouded in secrecy, i.e. went un-
               derground, after his death and dismemberment. The pieces of his body were sent to the different
               cities over the land of Egypt as a warning against this false religion. Some ancient writings state
               that SHEM (son of Noah) killed Nimrod in Rome, dismembered his body and sent the pieces to the
               various cities as a warning.

                       When this system was established in Rome -- the City of the Seven Hills (Rev. 17:9) -- it
               became known for centuries as "Saturian Land." The original name of Rome was "The City of
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