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Edward to change from a bronze chair to an 'Neither do I think that the eponymous of the
OAKEN chair, and again he appears to have Argive 'Danai' was other than that of the Isra-
looked back on the history of the Children of elite tribe of Dan -- only we are so used to
Israel: 'And Joshua...took a great stone, and set confine ourselves to the soil of Palestine in
it up there under an oak,...(Joshua 24:26).' our consideration of the history of the Israel-
ites, that we treat them as if they were ad-
-- Wake Up! July/September 1993. scripti gleboe, and ignore the share they may
have taken in the ordinary history of the world.
The Restless Danites Like priests of great sanctity, they are known
in the holy places only -- yet the seaports be-
tween Tyre and Ascalon, of Dan, Ephraim and
'The eponym DAN is found to be a root-name Asher, must have followed the history of sea-
applied to some of the most famous sections ports in general, and not have stood on the
of the ancient GREEKS and their leaders. The coast for nothing. What a light would be
derivatives of this name include Danaus, thrown on the origin of the name 'Pelop-o-
Danae, Danaans, Danoi, Danaoi, Danaids. nesus,' and the history of the 'Pelop-id' family,
According to Thucydides (Peloponnesian if a bona fide nation of 'Pelopes,' with une-
War), the earliest immigrants to Greece were quivocal affinities, and contemporary annals,
called PELASGIANS. Danaus, who later ar- had existed on the coast of ASIA! Who would
rived with his followers FROM EGYPT, have hesitated to connect the two? Yet with the
commanded that all should be called DANAI and the TRIBE OF DAN this is the
DANAANS (Strabo). Hecateus of Abdera, a case, and no one connects them' ('Ethnology of
Greek historian of the early third century Europe').
B.C., records that there had been an expulsion
of 'ALIENS' from Egypt and that some of -- Wake Up! November 1977.
these, under their leaders Danaus and Cad-
mus, migrated into Greece, though the greater
part followed Moses. Confirming this, Dio- Make Way
dorus Siculus states that those who left Egypt
with Danaus settled in ARGOS, and that --
according to contemporary belief -- ATHENS Make way through the turmoil of the times.
also was colonised from Egypt. Strabo says Make a highway for the Prince of
that the Danaans colonised the regions round Peace...
about Lemnos and Imbros; also that some of Clear a path through trial and turbulence.
them sailed from those islands with TYR- Bid violence subside and anger cease.
RHENUS to the region of Italy neighbouring Make way for the Lord of all to ride --
the Tyrrhenian Sea, their descendants becom- the road of glory, truth and light to bring.
ing known as ETRUS- CANS. In his 'History He comes to judge the nations and to reign
of Greece' Dr. William Smith says that of all -- on the throne of ancient Israel --
the heroic families of Greece, none was more In David's city -- New Jerusalem --
heroic than the DANAANS OF ARGOS. 'As reclaimed by Britain from the infidel
early as 1852, Dr. R. G. Latham, a well- As foretold in Daniel's prophecy;
known ethnologist of his day, identified the the power of Evil curbed, the power of
Greek Danaans as being of the TRIBE OF Love set free.
DAN. His words form a masterly conclusion: