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"following this Gathelus named all his subjects Scots, in honour and affection for his wife, who was
called Scota..." Seumas MacManus, in his book The Story of the Irish Race, records that "Miled
[another name for Gathelus] having died in Spain, his eight sons, with their mother, Scota, their families
and followers, at length set out on their venturous voyage to their Isle of Destiny...Eventually they made
land -- Eber with the survivors of his following landing at Inver Sceni, in Bantry Bay...but losing their
own Queen Scota in the fray [with the inhabitants of the island] -- and Eremon with his people at Inver-
colpa (mouth of the Boyne)" (p. 10). According to the British historian Nennius, speaking of the voyage
from Egypt to Ireland, "he [Gathelus] was expelled [from Egypt] and he wandered for 42 years...and
came to Spain, and there they lived for many years..." before moving on to Ireland after the death of
Gathelus in Spain.
Another group of Israelites, who escaped from Egypt before the Exodus, eventually found their
way to the Dardanelles where they founded the city of Troy. In the booklet How Israel Came to Brit-
ain, we read that "another [group of Israelites], under the leadership of Dardanus, a brother of Calcol,
crossed to Asia Minor to found the Kingdom later known as Troy. When Troy was destroyed by the
Greeks, the Trojans fled to Italy and later to Britain where they established themselves as the Kingdom
of Britain about the year 1100 B.C." (p. 2). Relates author Raymond E. Capt --
The descendants of Darda (Dardannes or Danaans) ruled ancient Troy for several hundred
years, until the city was destroyed in the famous "Siege of Troy." Aeneas, the last of the
royal blood, (Zarah-Judah) collected the remnants of his nation and traveled with them to
Italy. There he married the daughter of Latinus, king of the Latins, and subsequently
founded the great Roman Empire. Aeneas' grandson, Brutus, with a large party of the
Trojans migrated to "the great white island" (an early name for Britain due to its chalk
cliffs)...At Totnes on the River Dart, twelve miles inland from Torbay (the oldest seaport
in South Devon) is an historical stone that commemorates the coming of Brutus to Brit-
ain. (Cir. 1103 B.C.) The stone was known as the "Brutus stone," the tradition being that
the Trojan prince set foot upon it when he first landed (Missing Links Discovered in
Assyrian Tablets, pp. 65-66).
YEHOVAH God planted the royal line of Judah in the Appointed Place -- Britain -- well in ad-
vance of the main body of Israelites that would eventually follow. The prophet Nathan told David of
such a place to be appointed by YEHOVAH --
Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may
dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness
afflict them any more, as beforetime (II Samuel 7:10).
YEHOVAH God planted the Throne in the Isles and later on Israel trekked to that appointed
place, but their royal line had gone on before them. Speaking of these facts, and the breaking up of Is-
rael as they followed their royal line to the place where the House of Jacob eventually became a multi-
tude of people, the prophet Micah prophesied: